*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

What’s the words for good news?

I forgot exactly what it was if u scroll up you’ll see it but I’m pretty sure it ends with saying I understand the admission deposit is non refundable

I can’t think of one person from this board last year who said they got traditional from L & S. Also, from my son’s HS, there were 10+ kids off the WL. All had to do FPF.
There def could be some in state who got traditional. My cases are anecdotal, but I heard of zero.

Several admits have: I am no longer interested…

I have that too, it might change tmr to the message indicative of an acceptance

i think it highly depends on the region you are in.

hmm. good point. it might.

same but with fpf and am an appeal.

according to the discord server, first wave is next week.

rip my anxiety

it’s second hand information from someone with no proof. take it with a grain of salt yall

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Didn’t somebody post here a few days back that s/he communicated with an AO, and that the latter said that UCB will not be delayed due to the extension to opt into the WL? I guess we’ll know by this time tomorrow one way or another!


Guys if I opted in to the waitlist after the extension would this affect my chances?

If it was before the April 22nd then no. If it was after it might.

No I did turn it in before the deadline, but after the extention.

when are appeal decisions usually released?

lmao how is that possible? If you turned it in before 22nd then you are good

The original deadline for the waitlist was April 15. They extended it to a week later, and after I saw that they extended the deadline, I turned it in after the 15th but before the 22nd, the new deadline.

What if you updated your form after the 22nd…I am kinda panic right now

I originally turned mine in the 14th, but they added another confirmation box that I did not know about until I checked two days after the extension. I just wrote CONFIRM and resubmitted. Although it was late, they can see your edits so I’m not too worried.

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