*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

UCB and UCR were the two extended waitlist opt in deadline.

At least not for UC Merced, lol. UCM extended acceptance deadline to sometime like May 17th, lol. They keep sending emails ask student to accept the offer.

they simply need people to be in FPF and changmakers to fill up those classrooms, no way theres little movement


Yes, they are all different but people talk.

I guess we’ll know tomorrow:/

Fr there was literally 700 spots open in FPF a few days ago I think they have some space for waitlisted students :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

How do you check open spots? Can you do the same for changemaker?

only admitted students can check

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Somebody on the discord just told me, for changemakers they said abt 150 (?)

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It’s highly upsetting to see a parent crush the Hope’s of so many students like this.


I know LMAOOO doesn’t she have something better to do :thinking::thinking:


we don’t approve of Karens in this chat. can someone link the discord pls



I’m here snooping from the ucla waitlist thread because the same parent told us all UCs reached their target and I just want to say you guys are really funny😂


If the intention is for CC to be a resource to share information then one would hope that people will be treated with respect. If information is shared that you happen to not like and you are rude in response then this site becomes worthless for people looking for information to help guide them through the college process.

Thankfully my daughter has made her college decision so I no longer have a reason to participate in the CC community.


ok bye



Kinda unnecessary to hop on every UC waitlist thread to tell students they’re not getting off then not say where u got the info from :japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre: Congrats to ur daughter tho :100:


There’s still time to join the Bobcat family

*, we have extended the deadline! You now have until May 17 to [accept your offer of admission]from the University of California, Merced.

At least UCM obviously does not reach its target, lol