*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*


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in that case, why would they extend their deadline? also, could you please be a bit more specific if possible because your statement has definitely created a panic situation for everyone.


thank you for your help. Some people are mad because they have their hopes up (I am hopeful too), but most of the people are just here to look at relevant information, so I thank you for telling us the truth. Please keep us posted in the future with any relevant information.


This one single parent just generated a bunch of hysteria for ALL of the waitlisted applicants at every single UC school. Even reddit is talking about this now.


Last year a few people got on the board and were saying “oh it’s hopeless. We should all just not accept the WL offer now and move on. I am”

Obviously it was an idiot t. R. O. LL or some kind if saboteur. Either way, everyone seems to know how much of a high stakes board this is, and they like to see people freak out.

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at least according to UCB,“waitlist students will be notified on or before June 1, 2021 whether a space is available for them.” We‘ll get through this.

755 spots showing for FPF as of 5/7/2021. I’m guessing there will be at least 200 spots for Changemakers. And these numbers don’t include WL admits for Engineering, which I believe are for the traditional pathway. So relax folks, unless these numbers were part of an old template that will disappear suddenly, there should be enough admits off the WL.

Ivy admits this year were smaller than before, and so in-state acceptances for top schools like UCB, UCLA, Ga Tech, etc. may be slightly higher. But that doesn’t explain why there will be little or no WL activity, esp. given that UCB extended the deadline.

Stay hopeful!

I’ve called the FPF program and asked questions and posted the answers in this forum. I made it clear who I talked with during that call. Others have done similar things.

We know you aren’t being truthful, because of your ambiguity. We aren’t talking about NORAD, and getting secret info about missile codes. We are talking about a university waitlist. If you were telling the truth, you would offer specifics. Instead, we know you are a sad person who needs attention.


So June 1st, they should be done with the entire process.
Still thinking today, early afternoon. Biggest wave.

so my friend called the AO and they said “we are looking at releasing next week”. they might have said this to trick us or it is fr releasing next week. regardless check today everyone!!

Does anyone know what time they will be releasing first wave today? (in EST)

I’m still betting today. Admissions officer info has been historically misleading and unreliable.
Next week would suck.

Today 1:00PM PDT. Best guess

see but one other person called and the AO said “no decisions are coming tomorrow (asked yesterday) and that it will come next week most probably after the 11th”

So we have to wait another week? I read on some other chains that the WL extension doesn’t affect the decision release date. Anyways fingers crossed that we get it today :slight_smile: Gl everyone!

my friend legit called the AO office and they said that, but as people said this might be misleading. it can definitely come today, and I am praying it does come today. however, dont be surprised if it dosent

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Got it, that makes sense. Thanks and good luck!!

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well someone did call and said that the extension would not affect the original release date. but we don’t know if the release day for this year is going to be the same as previous years considering the circumstances. I think there’s a good shot it will come out today.

Has anyone gotten any glitches?

not yet on my end. id start checking around 12 PST - 1 PST for the glitches. if they are none, decisions arent coming today

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good luck everybody. Go get this!!
Cal top public school in the U.S. - 2021