*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Is it true that OOS and international students get their decisions a week later, or will all applicants be mixed?

Any possibilities for glitches still show up this year?

Personally think mixed cause I’ve heard an international student got off waitlist from UCB in first wave.

wait!!! they released the first wave?!!!

No, I believe is Class of 2022

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Calm down lol

Lol! im trying to but a comment in reddit freaked me out which basically said that their counsellor said that Berkeley predicted enrollment well this year so that means that the number of people getting off the waitlist will decrease, if anyone know whether or not it is true please verify? it didnt seem logical to me since they extended their opt in deadline!

i worked with a college consulting agency with berkeley admissions readers, they usually only have 42-44% yield and this year is supposed to mirror that of 2018 since they only admitted 13k

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I saw a post saying UCB is waiting for the guidance from public health department. Quite reasonable actually

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yeah i read this too and what i understood is that they want to know if the department will allow roommates or something related to housing, not sure

does anyone know how many spots are still left for changemaker?

Cal is doing really well with COVID vax and testing for students. I hope there aren’t any limitations to class size for COVID reasons.
Related, it seems like most big lectures will still be online next year, but all sections and small classes will be in person. Libraries and the big Sports Facility (student gym) are open now. Football tickets are on sale. It seems like they are headed towards an almost “normal” Fall semester. :football: :bear:


Most of the applicants should be able to take 2 shot vaccines before Aug. Campus should be open as normal.

I think that would be awesome, but they still are planning the online big lectures. The “default” form of instruction is in-person, but with the exception of large lecture halls with X number of students. I would imagine this plan will extend in some form to big events i.e. I can’t imagine them allowing 65,000 fans into Memorial Stadium 3 1/2 months from now for a football game. There are gonna be some kind of measures in place.

Just took myself off the UCB waitlist and committed to Duke! Good luck to everyone else!



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congrats! have fun in north carolina

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In 2018, Berkeley admitted 37% of WL applicants. If they do it again this year that’ll be great. Just hoping we don’t end up like GA Tech, which admitted just 80 out of 4k from the WL last week. What a terrible year to be a college applicant!

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good thing is that there are fpf and changemaker spots open already. berkeley handles the waitlist quite well :slight_smile:

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any way to find out how many of those spots are left still?