**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Does anyone remember what time of day decisions started coming out last week? I recall that it was earlier than expected, but I don’t remember the specific time.

@hotcheetos33 iirc faq glitch at 12:30 official decision around 1:30-45

I’m a U.S. citizen living abroad. Would I be considered international or OOS?

If you go back 10 days ago, you’ll recall that @MathBoy20 came up with these numbers based off of people on this thread only, wave 1:

We have:
40 people instate
9 people international
11 people oos

tally by college:
33 L&S

This is hardly a full count, but if you go by these numbers, UCB admitted roughly the same % of Intl and OOS students (~15-18% ea) and IS (65-70%) that make up the percentages of the current undergraduate student body. UCB has been very deliberate about following the same WL timeframes and demographics (IS/OOS/Intl) that they’ve followed in years past, we are just in the dark in terms of how MANY students they are letting in off of the WL.

@hotcheetos33 our portal changed at around 12:15 pm PDT, although I’m still betting Tuesday (unless they were working on it over the weekend).

does anyone remember what the demographic was like last year for the seecond wave?

last year 2nd wave (very small)

4 is
1 oos
0 intl

2 l&s

*2/3 of the coe were IEOR, 1 ME
*The one oos was 1&s

keep in mind, there were only around 30 fpf spots going into this wave

gotta dip, got the ap bio exam in like 10 min catch you guys later

11 PDT, no glitch. Anyone have anything?

no glitch, last time they appeared at 12/12:30. I hope it’s today but i think it’ll be tomorrow

wait so is this wave going to be small lie last years

No one can know for sure, but i doubt it. There were only 30 FPF spots left after the first wave last year. We have ten times that, this wave might be the same as the first

Bro I really need this to come out today. I dont think I could wait till tomorrow ugh. Good luck to everyone

Anyone know how big the first wave was ??

I could be wrong, but i assume that colleges send out exactly the number of spots needed, so the fpf + ge + very limited amount of traditional, meaning about 700-800

So, i’m guessing there’s probably gonna be 600 IS and 200 OOS/int’l

Wait you think theres gonna be that many IS?

12 pm no glitch

@gamingftw453 Because they’re sticking to the 75% IS and 25% OOS/int’l demographic even in their acceptances off the waitlist. That ratio is also indicative of the student population on campus.

Anyone with the glitch

no glitch here