**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

bruh this whole college process really be messing our mental health up
this ain’t right
why colleges gotta be like that tho

My daughter just got into CAL. so looks like the second wave decisions are happening today.Good luck to all kids.

This girl at my school got in with a 1100 SAT score, zero extracurriculars, and not even top 20 in the class. Her sister attends UCB though, the admission process is definitely confusing.

dang what happened to ucb being severely underenrolled and going deeeep into their waitlist

Did her portal change recently or in the morning when everyone else found out too and she just checked late? I’m just wondering if they’re sending updates throughout the day or just in the morning at that one time

@hummingbird2020 maybe an hour back

I have GPA 4.7 weighted, 4.0 unweighted, 1600 SAT [superscore], in top 1% of class from a very competitive high school. I have good resume, good essays,good EC’s, multiple national awards and conference paper…I am still waitlisted in 2nd wave for IS CoE. There is no glitch, no update for me. I am not sure what else could have been done to get in to UCB. I saw many students with lower GPA or SAT or EC got into EECS. It is such a bad luck that my application/essay was probably not read… very confusing and frustrating…

Here are my stats for anyone interested:

35 act, 800 Math 2, 4.2 GPA, 7 aps, Great essays, decent to low extracurriculars and school involvement.

Surprised I got in but Berkeley proves, again and again, to be strange in how they choose prospective students for admission.

In a similar situation as you, but I got rejected straight up. Did turn in an appeal though. Not even for EECS either, but for L&S CS

sorry, we didnt explore this earlier since my daughter was on waitlist. she got in now. she has the choices of FPF and global edge as well.I am reading about FPF and they seem to be good. is there any disadvantage of picking FPF? My daughter’s other choice is UCLA which she already accepted. she has applied for honors program there and waiting to hear. should we rather take ucla over CAL FPF?any advices are welcome

It is very strange how UCB choose prospective students for admission.I just wanted to know the reason for me not getting off of the waitlist. If strong Stat does not help in getting in to prestigious school like UCB, what else does? I am loosing my confidence in the system…

Basically FPF and GE are the left overs given to wait list admits. FPF courses are entirely off campus and from what I have heard, it is described as “a mix of high school and college.” GE is basically Berkeley but in London.

@luckymom2002 i think if your daughter has the option to do pre med at UCLA honors college I would pick that. I’ve heard Cal is cutthroat for pre med. But also depends where she would like to spend the next four years of her life! Both are extremely prestigious schools

I wanna reach out to my regional AO and see if that makes a difference bc i still have hope for the third wave. ik it prolly wont do a single thing but i need to do it for my own sanity. any thoughts on what to say and can someone help me find their email

@wannbebear how did you get the email of regional AO?

@wannabebear i contacted my regional ao but they never got back to me. idk how much it would help.

Same!!! I’m losing hope now… Do you think there will be a wave for CoC

Do you guys think that CoC is already full? Do us on the CoC waitlist still have a chance? Especially for international.

Don’t think so. That’s strange tho, I’ve barely seen CoC waitlisted get in. Are you chemical engineering or chemistry?

@jakekillertag I am chemistry