**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

I am honestly shocked that UCB had no traditional spots left to offer in LS and only have been offering FPF an GE in both waves for LS. The people from other colleges barely got in off the WL like Cnr, coe, coc. Both waves were primarily LS and that too was just fpf and GE. How in the world is this possible if they were supposedly under-enrolled and even with that some kids probably didn’t accept the offer that was accepted due to cost reasons. I am oos LS and I find it just super weird how Cal has been handling this WL process compared to schools within the same area and other top public schools.

@nkaoetn381 how did you get the email of regional AO?

How do you know Cal was under enrolled this year? It has always been speculation - a speculation that has been irresponsibly fueled by some so called ‘insiders’ on this forum. That person turns out to be a student themselves and to constantly post here about hearing something or other from AOs has been grating one my nerves seriously. I cannot believe AOs will put themselves in conflict of interest type situations discussing waitlist info with a student who is himself waitlisted. Anyway Berkeley always calculates and adjusts for yield and most or all traditional spots are filled during regular cycle. This has been the case this year too. An anomaly was the situation from few years ago which possibly led them to do a proper yield correction. FPF and GE are the options for waitlist for LSA baring a few. I am really aghast at the thoughtless way someone posing as an insider has been faning speculation on this forum. It is heartbreaking to see so many hopes raised and dashed

The insiders were right though. They have correctly predicted both of these wait list admission dates. They also were right about high admission off the wait list. From what I have seen, both of these waves have been larger than they were last year. The only thing left to come true that they have predicted is the third wave.

I guess this is the yellow box people were talking about yesterday.it has the following info.

Congratulations, you’ve been offered admission to UC Berkeley!
To reserve your seat, accept your offer of admission and pay any required deposit in CalCentral by May 25 2020 11:59PM PST.

Your Conditions of Admission
Requirements for maintaining admission eligibility

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Cost of attendance and award details in CalCentral

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Go to Calcentral to:

  • View your Financial Aid Package
  • Accept your Offer of Admission
  • Pay Deposit (if prompted)
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Proceed To CalCentral >>

Ripp another wave still no admission
Time to move on ig
On the bright side, happy to have an option to go to a college i am down to go to
(IS L&S CS btw)

Why is FPF such a big deal ? Other than the additional cost, it looks good based on what I have read. it will actually give you some time to settle in to berkeley without the pressure.Also considering the fall semester might be online this year, does it have any difference at all?

@rachel5 I understand your sentiment. You also understand this is a forum, not unlike a comment section that you might find at the bottom of a news site. No one here would expect this the be the word of god when it comes to information about their own chances of getting off of a waitlist. This is a place to discuss your anxieties and celebrations related to your own experiences (not unlike celebrating your son’s acceptance and scholarship award at UCB - congratulations). Additionally, it is a place students and parents frequent if they like to hear if there are any updates to a WL process, compare scenarios from previous years, and hear if anyone has any news. I have an “insider” myself: I have a friend who previously was the interim director of undergraduate admissions at UCB, who now works in financial aid. This person gave me two dates - wave 1 and wave 2 - which were correct. That is all the information that i relayed. I personally speculated about the goings on with UCB regarding enrollment this year, based on talks given by the Chancellor of UCB and the president of UC. Not every single person got off of the waitlist, but a significantly greater amount did than last year. There will certainly be heartbreaks and frustrations - I know I had plenty of those during my own process with this when I was in high school. But I think you know that students on a waitlist for UC Berkeley are practical enough to not cement life decisions based on a glitch in a portal, and most who don’t get in will forget about this as soon as they meet their new roommate at their new school dorm or attend their first college party.

So realistically there’s no hope for a third wave right?

Can someone within the next few days let us know on the possibility of a third wave? If there is no chance I am just going to withdraw and move on.

My daughter just got accepted to the College of Chemistry majoring in Chemical Engineering. International student.

@Chomel , congrats! At what time did she get in?

@scrambro You have always been a conscientious and responsible poster and I was not alluding to you in my comments. I appreciate your heads up about wave release dates which as you said were indeed right. As to overhyped numbers that someone else was touting time and again, I have my reservations. When I posted about 717 FPF spots being open I was not aware that numbers froze once someone accepted a pathway. My son accepted 3 weeks prior to commitment deadline date. So it is feasible more FPF spots had indeed filled within the 3 week timeframe. The WL acceptance this year has not been off the charts that the speculations implied. They seem more in line with last years - except the second wave being bigger. I agree with what you wrote in your post about kids moving on. However no one can deny there has been unhealthy obsession over Cal waitlist (as witnessed by 100’s of pages just here).

lol yeah it’s an unhealthy obsession but it’s also college. one of the most important decisions in our lives. every student here has probably dreamt of getting into cal, but it’s only happened to some. it hurts like hell for those of us who didn’t get in. but there’s nothing we can do now.

I’m confused because in my waitlist opt-in form, I didn’t choose to be considered for either fpf or GE, but those are the only two options they gave me when I was accepted today.

Hey, does anyone know if they’ll send out rejections? Cuz I haven’t gotten in off the waitlist and today was the second wave. Do they just keep you hanging even if we don’t get it or?..

She received the email at 10.34am California time.

@scrambro Thanks for your response.,My daughter already got into ucla .now we are a bit confused .We live in bay area. so Berkeley is close by to us.U cannot beat their brand. Should we take berkeley even with the FPF or is ucla a better place.She is in the pre-med track. thats our confusion now.I know my daughter will be happy in either place.she has done a summer internship at Berkeley and really loved the vibes.

@ucb797 She received the email at 10.34am California time.

@beaniefrogs123 i think they’ll usually send a rejection letter to us in june, telling us that they’ve concluded the waitlist process.