**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@scrambro In one of the live admissions chats with Berkeley admission officers today, someone asked about the decision on Fall 2020. The admissions officer replied, “the plan that the chancellor put forth said that there would be an announcement by Monday June 15 and I believe we are still on track for that date.”

@aaronruizx Decision for Fall 2020/ Announcement by June 15 - meaning online instruction? Dorm capacity? Plans for Fall semester 2020 in the context of COVID-19 pandemic?

@aaronruizx wow. That’s sooner. Looks like they must have it worked out already. LOTS of information coming just days away. I mean, school starts in 2 months. I guess it’s impractical to push decisions out any further.

@Sisternight The question specifically asked by a student was “Hi there I am wondering if there are any updates regarding fall classes whether they will be online, in person or hybrid etc???” I decided to screenshot that answer since I found it useful.

@scrambro Yeah that’s all they really said other some officers vaguely saying it will be sometime next week. One thing all admissions officers have refused to address was whether chances of waitlist students being admitted would increase if Berkeley Fall 2020 was online. They claim to be unable to speak on this topic specifically anytime a student brings it up. Although, they have continued to reassure us that we all still have a chance of admission, otherwise the waitlist would have been closed already.

yea in the live chat multiple people have asked about the waitlist chances and they all have said that we still have a chance to get in regardless of whether people withdraw or not. Their class is definitely not full yet.

Also, if international students are withdrawing their applications, doesn’t it mean pending international waitlisters/appealers get a look in? I mean they have expressed an unwavering interest of enrolling - hence, choosing to be on appeal and waitlists? Just my thoughts on this matter.

Just talked to an insider about their plans for fall. They officially told professors that classes above 50 ppl will for sure be online. They extended the date to officially announce something until june 22. This might be when people withdraw

will this affect when they start accepting people off the waitlist again? or will they have a wave sometime next week?

They have no idea. They don’t work within admissions. All I know is that the official date is June 22, meaning that if they announce they’re online then it is presumable that some might withdraw, opening up some spaces. However, it is highly doubtable there will be another wave, probably a few taken off here and there, unless something gets announced within the next two weeks about international students.

If they announce on June 22, people won’t necessarily withdraw immediately. People might think it over and decide to withdraw well into July. So, would they still notify the waitlisted people by the end of June? They won’t really know how many will have withdrawn by then.

i don’t think they are gonna extend wls. i think they may make a prediction and tell us by the end of june.

yup that is exactly what is going to happen. They are not gonna wait for every single person to withdraw and then make a decision. According to an AO sometime last week they said that some decisions will be released starting this week but in the end all students will know by the end of June no matter what. They are gonna have to make a prediction accounting for their plan of instruction, summer melt, and the international travel ban.


This is the only update they made for today but it’s mostly for staff. It might foreshadow the way it is for students as well though

on the chat this morning, they said that “hopefully all waitlist decisions will be announced by the end of June but it is still open until further notice”. i think this means that there is a chance they could extend it.

@thrillride FPF stands for Fall Program for Freshmen. It’s a pathway for letters and science people who get off the waitlist. basically smaller classes at the uc berkeley extension across the street from the main campus for the fall semester, then come spring, fpf students will start taking classes on the main campus.

No FAQ glitches yet, right?

Which chat are you guys referring to in order to get all the info?

there’s a berkeley admissions chat room with the aos. i think it was linked in the last page

UCSC just officially announced fall semester will be online. Wonder when berkeley will follow with the announcement

Someone posted this on the “School in the Fall & Coronavirus” thread:

"UCLA just announced. Only 15-20% of classes to be offered on site or hybrid. Earlier in the day it was announced that first priority housing will go to Pell Grant recipient students. I read online that 35% of UCLA students are Pell Grant recipients; that first priority alone will fill up the de-densified dorms very fast. Students should find out this Wednesday if they got a spot in housing.

*edited online to hybrid"