UCD or Community College

I applied as a CS Major for UCSD’s CO 2022, and was denied. Is it worth it to go to community college to persue my goal of transferring to UCSD, or should I stick to UCD (was admitted as CS) ?

Go for the direct admit at UCD since there is no guarantee that you will be able to transfer to UCSD after attending a Community college.

Plus Davis is a GREAT school!

thanks guys, is it possible to transfer from UCD to UCSD for CS?

Yes, UC to UC transfer is possible.

yes but how difficult will it be?

Based on this link for UC GPA Admit Range by campus and major for 2017, UCSD transfers had a 3.77-4.00 for CS admission. This data does not breakout GPA admit ranges by source school so probably most are from a Community College vs. a UC but you would still need a solid GPA for transfer. If you are able to do that well at UCD, then why transfer? Get your CS degree and move on.


thanks, good point

I don’t get the obsession with UCSD.

You know it is a competitive campus? It can be a bit cutthroat.
You know a lot of courses there are “led” by GA’s right?

Davis is a beautiful campus. Davis is within reach of Silicon for internships in CS
My children were all admitted to UCSD and they would have used the school as a backup.
We wanted them to go there but they didn’t want to go there. There is a reason they call it UC of the Socially Dead.
Their friends complained all of the time about the lack of big social events.

@“aunt bea” Is UCSD really that “socially dead?” I am seriously considering attending UCSD, I went to their admitted student reception and they made it sound like a really engaging and fun place (especially the whole Pacific Ocean beach luring me lol). I would love to know your opinion since I know I should not only listen to the school (since they are definitely biased, they admitted me and definitely want to protect their percentage yield).

any general tips for how to make the most of UCD

i agree with the consensus above - go to UCD and don’t look back. Make the most of it by living on campus your first year, joining clubs, perhaps a frat/sorority if that’s your thing. Go to football and basketball games, see some shows at Mondavi center, find an internship or two.

@myfavoritepet this is my least favorite UCSD myth, no it’s not socially dead unless you shut yourself in your room and refuse to talk to social people! it’s 35,000 college kids running around San Diego I promise there are people who want to party or kick it or smoke or so whatever you wanna do and you’ll never have a boring weekend unless you try to

what’s a good undergrad GPA for CS? I’m trying to go for UCB for grad