Ucd tag

<p>Okay so I was on the UC transfer website and it was listing all the schools that have TAG agreements for fall and winter. So I saw that UCSD will offer winter TAG's for 2010. But my question about Davis. </p>

<p>The site listed Davis as having Fall and Winter TAGs, but they list a bunch of colleges and the one I attend is not listed. Does that mean that although I would be eligible, I could not sign one because of the school I attend? </p>

<p><a href="http://www.uctransfer.org/pdf/tag_matrix_and_form.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.uctransfer.org/pdf/tag_matrix_and_form.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Tell me someone if I am miss interpreting this please.</p>

<p>TAG’s are not universal at all ccc’s. TAG for UCSD wasn’t available until this year for my gf’s school.</p>

<p>My college did not have ucd tag program for winter session, so i had to apply manually for fall quarter this year… With my soso gpa.</p>

<p>If you let me know what community college you are attending I can see if we plan on adding that college for the fall 2010 Tag process.</p>

<p>Bakersfield College</p>

<p>I wasn’t sure if I should reply here or send you an email. Please let me know.</p>

<p>UC Davis will continue to offer the TAG agreement at Bakersfield College for the Fall term. UC Davis will not be accepting any winter 2010 TAG agreements.</p>

<p>ANY?? so just to clarify thats from every community college even the ones listed in the TOP program? I thought the new TAG Criteria page said we would be allowed to sign TAG’s as long as our CC was part of the TOP program…?</p>

<p>Unfortunately, that is correct. The TAG agreements will not be signed for winter 2010, even at TOP colleges.</p>