@UCFgal S got his in the mail today also. He just filled it out – it’ll be in the mail tomorrow.
I got mine today! To my surprise, it came with the Honors Enhancement Scholarship! Congrats to everyone who got in the Honors College and is reserving a seat!
I called BHC today to confirm that Honors Orientation is June 8-9, not June 11-12.
S is now officially part of the BHC. Is there anyone else who has confirmed their place? I’ll be with S at Honors Orientation June 8-9. As out-of-staters (VA), we’d love to meet anyone on this thread who also is going to be in BHC.
@VABogart Just confirmed my spot today and will also be attending the Honors Orientation.
And thanks for finding out about the correct date!
Confirmed my spot today too! Can’t wait to meet everyone at orientation
Congrats VABogart! (and everyone else)
So my S is still waiting for an answer from Burnett. In the meantime he has applied to EXCEL, which looks promising. He really likes UCF (and it’s a great price) but he’s trying to find ways to make the school feel smaller like Burnett and/or EXCEL.
Here’s his issue with EXCEL. In order to get final acceptance, you need to take the math competency test. In order to take the math test, you need to pay the non-refundable $200 enrollment fee.
Burnett told him he will have an answer by April 15. By then he will probably have decided on someplace else.
They’re not making it easy for him.
Does anyone know if there is still space in the Honors College? I was accepted way back in like January, but I couldnt reserve my spot because I was waiting on other college decisions (that didnt come out until MArch 31st). Thanks!
@uncreativename , are you out of state or in state? Are you a national merit scholar?
@PAMom21 I’m in state. I’m not a National Merit Scholar but I am a top ten knight and received the Provost Scholarship (I’m not sure if those help).
Hopefully it’s not too late. My son didn’t accept until last April, but was a NMS and guaranteed honors placement. Best wishes! We are very happy with the school.
S has made his final college decision – he’s coming to UCF! He’ll be in the Burnett Honors College and living in Towers III. He’ll be in Mechanical Engineering, though possibly with an aerospace bent. We’re very excited for him. Hope to see you all at Honors Orientation in June. S is the only UCF-bound student from his high school of 2,000+ students (Northern Virginia), so he’ll be excited to meet his fellow students.
My S is also Mechanical Engineering, living in Towers 3. Is attending June 8 - 9 orientation and staying @ Lake Claire. He was in Marching Band all through HS and has submitted his intent to March at UCF. He’s looking forward to orientation and I’m hoping he’ll meet potential roommates!!
GO Knights!
@VABogart @KBCNY8
I might actually be up at ucf during orientation time…all depends on my dd summer class exam scedule…“lecture capture” classes must be tested on campus even though attendance isn’t required for lectures.
@VABogart @UCFgal hey, so I know this thread is from last year but I applied to ucf honors for fall 2018, and myhonors is confusing me. Under “freshman application” tab it says “accepted” under the app decision… is that my decision for ucf honors or just for ucf in general (as I was accepted to the overall college last month)? Thanks
sorry wrong thread…