UCI Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Just wondering how difficult it will be switching major from undeclared to urban studies?

As long as the major is not impacted, change of major should not be an issue. Undeclared has to declare a major prior to Junior year so change of major is expected.

Urban Studies
Cumulative UC GPA: 2.00 GPA
Course grades:
Completion of UPPP 4 and 1 additional lower-division Social Ecology core course (UPPP 5, UPPP 8, PSCI 9 or PSCI 11B or PSCI 11C, SOCECOL 10, SOCECOL 13) with grades of “C” or better in each course.

Yes, son from NJ waitlisted at UCI for biology. Just visited last Saturday and absolutely love the whole environment there.


Hi, yes mechanical engineering accepted yesterday. OOS student


I got off the waitlist for civil engineering. Got the email yesterday at noon that there had been a status update to my application.


I got off the waitlist yesterday 4/19/22 for my first choice major Criminology. I’m in state. My stats are average as well 3.9 GPA unweighted, top 15% of my class (my school is highly competitive though), I took a total of 5 APs during high school (Psych, Physics 1, Gov, Macroecon, and Stats). My AP scores were also not that great (2 for Physics and 3 for Psych). I also took a semester of a college course for Forensics Science/Admin of Justice. I’m honestly excited I got off the waitlist as this was my dream school and the only university is applied to besides ccs. Good luck to everyone on their waitlist decisions.


That’s excellent, good luck to your son. We were there on Saturday as well and took the campus tour and my daughter loved it!!

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Hi! I got off the waitlist April 19th and my first choice major was business administration but I got in as undeclared. Hopefully the next wave of acceptances comes in soon. Wishing you the best!


Someone on SDSU page said their kid got off UCI’s waitlist last week. She was Journalism major, I believe.

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Did she declare Undeclared as her back up? My daughter is on the waitlist for Business, and it’s her top choice. Are you in state?

It seems UCI is giving offers from waitlists for all types of majors based on the inputs on this forum. My son waitlisted for biomedical. Have not heard anything yet. I did see someone from chemical engineering got an offer.

Hi, congratulations! Your 2nd choice is undeclared.

Congratulations! Are you in state or OOS? Thanks.

My s22 is waitlist for mechanical engineering and hasn’t heard anything either. I know of one civil and one mechanical who were given offers this week.

What do you mean? At UCI you were able to put a second choice on your application. Was the case at most UCs except UCB, I believe.

UCLA does not consider alternate majors along with UCB. If no alternate major is selected for UCI, Undeclared becomes the default.


UCI considers 2nd major. Based on this forum, there are people who are accepted off the waitlist into their 2nd choice. One post said that he/she got off the waitlist for BME but accepted into undeclared?


I am in state, Bay Area


S22 got off the waitlist yesterday for Applied Physics. Very excited and will most likely commit but really wanted his first choice - mechanical engineering. Anyone know how hard it is transfer in to mechanical from physics?


Sorry - also instate - 4.0 GPA unweighted, all APs and honors and some good ECs.

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