UCI Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

No movement so far from UCI since the first and second waves. My son just got “released from the waitlist” (rejected) by UCSD yesterday. They are done with waitlist!

Just got off waitlist. In-state bio.


Congrats! May I ask what your stats were? That is if you feel like sharing : )

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I also just got off the waitlist at 4:45 PST as an in state Biology major.


Np! 4.0 UW GPA, 4.89 W, National Merit Commended Award, 400+ community service hours, team captain of two varsity sports for four years, club founder, employment junior + senior year, many APs and 8 dual enrollment courses. Most likely going to decline.


Did you commit at a different UC?

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Yes I am committed elsewhere as of now. Still waiting on LA and Berkeley.


Accepted Engineering undeclared.
Asian Male Bay area
UC GPA 4.5 , 10 APs and 5’s on 5 exams so far
Did COSMOS @UCI online last year
ACT 35


Congrats to all who got in today. Did you see any dot or sign on your portal ?or any changes ?

My daughter just got off wl to Bioengineering at UCI. Now worry about if the dorm rooms are still available.


Son got off WL for Biological Sciences at 4:45 pm today.


in state bio major! 4.2 UC GPA, top 5% in class, from ‘privledged’ background, club founder, wildlife advocacy group leader, from Sacramento.


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Seems like a bunch of Bio majors got off UCI today

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My DD came off waitlist a couple of days ago and I have been worrying about the dorm availability. My wife just called UCI housing and talked to a very nice gentleman for a while about housing. She was told that typically, wl students may have issues getting freshman housing. However, UCI this year has been SUPER conservative in accepting students and currently, they are under-enrolled. So for anyone who is coming off in the last wave should have no problem getting housing. The school will be sending out housing information very soon.


Thank you for sharing the information :pray:t2:. Has your DD withdraw from the school she committed to on May 1st? We are not sure if we should wait until housing at UCI is confirmed, or withdraw immediately.

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I’ve read on this forum that you can have both offers rescinded if it’s discovered that you are SIR’d to more than one school at a time. When my son accepted his waitlist offer, task 1 on the task list provided by the new school was “Immediately withdraw from the other school”.


My DD was originally SIR to an OOS school (not another UC) so I was planning to wait couple more days for the UCI housing confirmation. I was told the email may be coming out in the next few days. I was told by a counselor previously that a few days is reasonable in this type of situation and school will give you a “reminder/warning” first even if you stay on for too long. But in short, a few days is acceptable.


Was she told that they were under enrolled for students or for housing?

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Thank you for the information. We will withdraw accordingly.

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Thank you! Hopefully our kids will still be offered some choices for housing. :crossed_fingers:

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