UCI Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

I guess he meant since the initial number of accepted students back in March was much fewer than usual, hence the number of SIRed students signing up for housing was also less than expected. In the past, the initial accepted group would fill up most of the housing availability, with very limited spaces for the waitlist group. This year, the distribution has shifted where the initial group has left more spaces for the wl group. The “under-enrolled” was just referring to the time after the March acceptance group but will be filling up eventually by the wl.

Based on what he sees, you will be ok if you’re turning in the housing app now. There is always a latency between the housing app and getting off waitlist notification so I don’t know whether the enrollment is filled or not.

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I hope this means more kids like mine will be getting off the waitlist :crossed_fingers:


anyone know when appeal decisions are out for UCI ?

daughter found out today that her appeal was denied

If we didn’t hear anything, does that mean still on waitlist?

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Son’s appeal was denied today too.

@Hhorse: Are you asking about appeals or the waitlist since these are separate? You cannot appeal while on the waitlist.

I am asking about waitlist.

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Until UCI announces they have closed the waitlist or you receive a denial, you still remain on the waitlist.

Scanning through the different threads, it looks like none of the UCs had any meaningful movement off the WL except for Davis.

Luckily we didn’t need to wait for our UCI and UCSD waitlists, and I cannot imagine the frustration of those still waiting. The UCs are just too competitive.


Even UCD’s waitlist has been slow in comparison to other years. It is really hard to gauge since not all students post to social media about their waitlist results. Best of luck to all that are still waiting.


Hi what’s your daughter’s major?

Does anyone happen to know around when the waitlist will end or at least around the last day for students to be notified?

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I got off the waitlist today as an in-state bio major. Got an email to check my status and probably will be denying offer.


My daughter’s friend got off yesterday in Biology too (in-state). Sounds like there was some good news, at least in the Bio dept.


Does anyone know how difficult it is to transfer from Psychology to Criminal Justice at UCI since CJ is ranked # 3 in the country? Thank you

Here is the information to change majors:
Criminology, Law and Society
Cumulative UC GPA: 2.30 GPA
Course grades: Completion of CLS C7 and one additional lower-division Social Ecology core course (UPPP 4, UPPP 5, UPPP 8, PSCI 9, PSCI 11B, PSCI 11C, SOCECOL 10, SOCECOL 13) with a grade of “C” or better in each course.


Thank you so much for your prompt response.

Congrats! when is your SIR deadline?

Does anyone know if all waitlist decisions are out for UCI ? is there any hope in waiting?