UCI Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

I don’t think they’re all out yet, I am still on the waitlist…


We’re waiting too, less and less hopeful as we are already in mid june :tired_face:


just got off the waitlist for polisci instate. already going to berkeley though lol


My daughter just got off the waitlist in state for bio. Need to make some quick decisions regarding what she’s going to do… She has already committed to UCR and is in their honors program.


My daughter also just got off the waitlist in state for bio! Still on WL for Cal and current plan is SDSU. Not much info on the portal that I could find regarding housing guarantee or financial aid package. Did they say you have to decide by July 3? Not much time to figure things out, but congrats. :slight_smile:


Congratulations to your daughter! It’s exciting to have this other option but I feel like we’re behind on everything with any other school. Yes, July 3rd deadline. We have orientation next week at Ucr and she has a roommate picked out. We have no idea how far the UCI kids are with roommates and everything else. :thinking:

I wish your daughter all the best! What an adventure! :blush:


Yeah, my D has also picked a roommate and has orientation next week. Tough decision in a crazy year.


My daughter also got into today off the waitlist for biochem, out of state. She is committed to UCD. I don’t think she will change her mind but she is going to take some time before she decides for sure.


daughter in-state got in today for biological sciences. She too is worried about finding roommates and UCI’s reputation as being a commuter college and lack of college feel. Maybe someone here can address that.

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My S got out of the waitlist yesterday, biological science in-state. He is now committed to Davis honors program will turn down the offer from Irvine. There is still hope for those in the waitlist.


Has anyone off the waiting list been able to get any info on housing? Will on campus be guaranteed? Of course, the portal is out of date and still refers to the previous deadline. :smiley:

I spoke with housing earlier today. The only guaranteed housing was for those that applied by the early due date. At this point there is a waitlist for housing and they consider those on the list based on application date/time and make offers accordingly. It doesn’t feel like the late WL acceptances have much of a chance of getting housing on campus.


Well, that makes the offer much less attractive. “You can come here at the last minute, but we won’t give you a place to live, so good luck enjoying our already very limited campus life.” It’s almost as if they don’t want people to accept off the WL. We’ll probably stand pat.

It’s frustrating. My daughter was heartbroken when she didn’t get in initially and now there’s definitely a pull to strongly consider attending but how can she when there’s a chance there won’t be housing and we can’t confirm if there’s slots for orientation or what kind of classes she’ll get to sign up for. At UCR she gets priority registration through the Honors program and everything else is lined up. As much as she likes the thought of UCI the reality of accepting now and the challenges associated, just seem to confirm that it’s not the right thing to do.

Wishing everyone that is in this predicament the best! Wherever our kiddos end up, they’re bound to be successful. :blush:


So my D got an email from Admissions with very different information, even though what we heard on the phone from Housing was the same as you. The email says; "First-year and transfer applicants receive 2 years guaranteed housing. To learn more about the different housing options available to UCI students, please visit the [UCI Housing website.


Office of Undergraduate Admissions
University of California, Irvine"

Very confusing and I wonder if we can figure out which message is accurate?

I think the emails are generic and were likely used for the first round of acceptances. I checked the website and tried googling to get more info but there was nothing that I could find to support the idea that they would extend housing to “late acceptances”. If anyone finds something conclusive, it would be super helpful to share.

@Bina478 When you were waitlisted did your portal only have a home button? My portal now has an info and academics section that was not there previously and a blank FAQ button too. Does that mean that I will be admitted and AOs are just fixing my portal for admission?

I wish I could say that was the case. There were no changes on my daughter’s portal. I wouldn’t give up hope though! Seems like they’re letting people off the waitlist in small increments so I wish you luck! It’s not over yet!

Hello, I noticed my portal changed exactly like how yours did. What major are you? I’m Computer Science

Mine changed, I’m CS too