UCI or Mount Holyoke College?

<p>I know these are two very different schools...but I've been accepted to both and I don't know which one to choose. Help?</p>

<p>Can anyone help?</p>

<p>UCI, so u can satisfy ur natural needs.</p>

<p>Holyoke hands down IMO. Small classes, the consortium that offers so much, beautiful campus, kids from all over the Country, many more resources.</p>

<p>C’mon - is this a joke? I can’t think of a single question one might ask about what they sought in a college that could be answered “well, there’s Irvine, or maybe Mt. Holyoke.” What were the key things that led you to consider each, and where are you located?</p>

<p>I live in CA so a UC was an obvious choice. I want to go to a LAC, so Mount Holyoke seemed a good choice.</p>

<p>If Mount Holyoke has ponied up enough financial aid to make the costs equivalent, then definitely Mount Holyoke. Fantastic school. Excellent alumnae network. Good regional academic exchanges with other nearby schools that will make life interesting.</p>

<p>Now if the question really is more like, “Mount Holyoke for 50k or UCI for in-state tution and fees and I can walk to campus because I live in town so my commuting cost is zero, and my room and board are minimal, which should I choose?” then the picture is completely reversed. That choice would be UCI hands down.</p>

<p>You are going to have to set your financial aid offers next to each other and see what you think. Don’t forget to take the your additional travel and winter clothing expenses for MHC into account!</p>

<p>Keep in mind, MHC is an all girls school. I’m just restating what rcx said in a more obvious way lol. If u can get by that or enjoy it, MHC is a great LAC tho. I’d go in that direction if that’s the case.</p>

<p>Mount Holyoke.</p>

<p>Five College Consortium, diverse, fairly prestigious.</p>

<p>And, for you, a change in scenery, a different lifestyle: new opportunities and a unique experience.</p>

<p>In addendum:</p>

<p>Not all women enjoy sleeping with any attractive stranger that comes around.</p>

<p>However, if you envision yourself as one of these women, you can feel free to attend any of the parties at UMass, Hampshire, or Amherst.</p>

<p>Have you already toured UCI? I have never been to Mount Holyoke but I live right next door to the UCI campus. The school has a great dance and medical department (weird combo but true). Also the campus is pretty wide spread and modern. You wont find many Harvard style trees and brick buildings because most of the dorms and facilities are a neutral color with classic structure. I hear the social scene is pretty laidback with some fun parties, and a large majority of the students are Asian-American. Your fairly close to the beach <em>about a 15 minute drive</em> and the town is very conventional with some fun restaurants. In my opinion, the campus isn’t that pretty and a bit dull but the town surrounding it has its perks. Hope that helps!</p>



<p>From personal experience, I can say that this quote is LIES.</p>

<p>My sincerest condolences.</p>

<p>Thanks for all of the information, I’m leaning now towards MHC.</p>

<p>of course with everything in life, compatibility is the main factor. but cmon now!! thousands and thousands of ppl can say they graduated from uci, but only a small and awesome group can say mount holyoke! and serio? are you spending 25k + a year to get an education or to get laid. beside it’s not like there is no boys around, I’m sure if you make an effort, it won’t be too hard.</p>

<p>it’s really not the social life that i was concerned about. I’m planning to major in biology and UCI is good for that but MHC has the Five College exchange and more diversity. And the price, that’s where I had problems.</p>

<p>“And the price, that’s where I had problems.”</p>

<p>MHC is a truly exceptional place. However, if studying there is going to leave you with a womping ton of debt or put your parents in the poor house, you may want to choose UCI. My college roommate and her husband have spent the last four years on rice and beans because their daughter (an only child) is MHC class of 2009. She received no aid. The parents aren’t rich, but they are the legal owners of an un-sellable-sacred-to-the-extended-family property in another state which makes them look rich on paper. The mother’s entire pre-tax salary went straight to MHC. Both parents were scholarship students at small selective LACs and value that kind of education. They do admit though that it has been very tough for them.</p>

<p>Talk to your family. Together, you may be willing to make that kind of financial sacrifice. You might not. Only you, and your family, know your own answer.</p>

<p>Wishing you, and your family, all the best as you face this choice.</p>

<p>UC Irvine hands down. Mt Holyoke is great but not worth the extra cost. Go Anteaters!</p>

<p>UCI is good for biology.</p>