Hey guys I was admitted into UC Irvine as undeclared( my alternate), my first choice was business administration but I didn’t get in. And I got in UC berkeley as pre business but I still have to apply to the hass business school later on. I dont know what school I should go to. I know its hard to get into Hass Business, but then again if I didn’t get admitted into UCI business program what are the chances of getting in later if I apply. I visited UCB and I thought the campus was nice, but I haven’t visted UCI so can anyone tell m e which school they like better and why? Also I need help deciding on a school Thanks

Since you were not admitted in business at UCI and UCB does not admit freshmen to Haas (need to compete and apply to Haas as a junior), UCB is the better choice. That is because UC Berkeley is a renowned university and has a great academic reputation. Do well at UCB, you should get a great job or later into a great graduate school.

Where ever you decide on, have a backup plan (i.e., economics) in case things do not work out. Congratulations on getting admitted to UCB and UCI.