uci transfer...help

<p>im a freshman at csulb and i have all my pre req's planned out and ill have 60 units by the end of my fall term 09....would i be able to transfer [or attempt to transfer] into the winter 09 term or the spring 10 term?
and im confused about the requirements...im an engineer major and ill have all those pre req's complete for mechanical or aerospace, but idk wat im supposed to do with the requirements for the englishs courses...i have one composition course and a couple critical thinking/communications class planned, would that be good? i think u need like 2 courses in english comp</p>

<p>and the Four transferable college courses (3 semester or 4-5 quarter units) chosen from at least two of the following areas: the arts and humanities, the social and behavioral sciences, the physical and biological sciences...if i have alot of physics classes taken, does that count for that requirement....</p>

<p>why don’t you just attend a community college? it would make your life that much more easier in transferring. </p>

<p>From what i understand, you need to take 1 course in each subject, so you taking a lot of physics classes(more than 1) and hoping it’ll count towards the requirement wont help you.
You need to take one class in the arts and humanities. one class in the social and behavorial sicences, one in the physical sciences and one in biological sciences.</p>