UCI withdrew my admission... wrongly?

To be frank idk how flawless or flawed their checking system is for determining which students do and don’t meet requirements but to begin, my admission was withdrawn and I am stressed out like no other rn lol. Also my transcripts were sent on time from my HS so I don’t need to visit the famous forum about that (the one from 2010).

Basically the message reads that I failed to meet a requirement in my provisional contract, the main things from the contract include receiving a diploma, having a weighted senior gpa of 3.0 or higher, and last but not least completing all the courses on my application. The message says that I was withdrawn after careful review of my final academic record.

To begin, I have received my high school diploma, I have maintained at least a 3.0 weighted senior GPA (after stringent
calculation) and I have completed all the high school courses on my application.

The one thing that stands out though is me getting a D+ in AP Chem in my first semester of senior year, but I still got accepted, so I called them about it and they said they saw the D+ and still chose to accept me. Great. This means that me having a D+ in my transcript unarguably does not serve as a reason for them to withdraw my admission. Whether or not you want to count this for college credit though, first semester was a 2.2 (if you count it) or 2.4 (if you don’t count it) and my second semester was a 3.8, add that up (and divide by 2) and you get either 3.0 or 3.1, thus meeting the senior GPA requirement. The claim was that it was from a review in my final academic record, which is why I’m emphasizing my (senioritis infested) GPA of 3.0.

They said that the withdrawal decision was final but does anyone know my chances of being reinstated? I’ve glossed over the provisional contract over and over and there isn’t something on there I haven’t met yet sooo, help? Freaking out isn’t exactly how I want to spend my summer, especially since a lack of discern from UCI is the last thing I need. Thx.

I’m kinda scared so BUMP

Did you take a different number of credits/classes first and second semester? If that were the case you couldn’t just divide by 2 to get your GPA.

Agree with @bodangles question. But if it still comes out to a 3.0 or bettervehen you take into account the number of credits, call them and ask. Tell them you are not disputing it, but genuinely thought you met the conditional terms and are confused.

UC’s require 2 years of a laboratory science. Did you have 2 years without AP Chem?

@bodangles First semester I had 6 classes and second was 5, but the thing is, first semester I had a TA period, which isn’t a-g, so i messaged UCI and they said that they only take a-g courses into account when calculating gpa; so in theory it shouldn’t count as a class when being calculated right?

Correct ^^^

@Gumbymom yeah i passed bio (9th) and regular chem (11th) prior, AP chem was a class i took in my senior year

IMO if you don’t know how to calculate your UC’s GPA, you don’t deserve to go to UCI. I know it’s harsh. But, that’s just me. You can’t just add your whole year GPA and divide it by 2. You need to take all the considerations if it is an a-g class, if it is an Honor class or an AP class, the number of credits per sem.

3 ap’s no honors. 1st semester D,C,C (all ap) with C in spanish and B in civics (i know, trash), and we’re not counting the TA period (which is an A) add up that’s 11 points, given that the D doesnt receive any credit (2.2 if you divide it by 5). 2nd sem. C, B, A in my 3 ap classes, A in econ, B in spanish (i know, trash). add that up you get 19 points (3.8 divided by 5). 2.2 + 3.8 is 6, so weighted, the cumulative GPA is 3.0. all my classes were a-g with the exception of the TA period.

or if you want to add points and divide by classes then 30 points divided by 10 grades is 3.

“they said they saw the D+ and still chose to accept me.”

How did they see your 1st semester Senior grade before acceptance?

That is beyond me, I called them and that was what they had told me. Another friend of mine had D in AP lit and they told him that was acknowledged too.

If you apply to a UC and receive a D or F in any a-g course Senior year, you are required to notify them.

Did you do the following and it was acknowledged by UCI?

Freshmen: If you change schools, add or drop a course, or fail to earn a C or better in a course after you submit your application, you must notify the UC Application Center by email or postal mail. Your correspondence must include your name, UC Application ID number and your signature (if you mail a letter), and will be available to all the campuses to which you applied.

If you receive an offer of admission, be sure to confirm with the campus admission office that they are aware of the deficient grade or schedule changes. Although you must notify the campus of these changes, we cannot guarantee that a campus can go back to review an application after correspondence has been received. Make sure to save a copy of your correspondence just in case.

Email: docs@applyUCsupport.net

Postal mail:

UC Application Center

P.O. Box 1432

Bakersfield, CA 93302

Do you have the correspondence from UCI? Maybe they saw the C’s also from 1st semester and decided that compared to your previous academic record 9-11th that you not a good risk?? I would still get an actual reason for the withdrawal. What requirement you did not meet? My understanding is the GPA is 3.0 weighted for Senior year but maybe they wanted a 3.0 GPA by semester. Remember your acceptance is provisional and at the discretion of each school.


If you didn’t inform them about your D, they didn’t see it before they accepted you. The D could be the reason or one of the reasons why UCI rescinded your acceptance. From their website (http://www.admissions.uci.edu/myadm/freshman_contract.html):

The following situations may result in the withdrawal of your admission offer:
a) any D or F grades in your senior year a-g courses,
b) taking courses that are less rigorous than reported on your application,
c) not maintaining UC Eligibility.

Call them. Good luck.

Please update your thread for future readers who may be in the same predicament as you are now.

Also, if external factors impacted your grades (e.g, serious illness for you or a close family member, death ofba provider or sibling, homelessness…) mention it. Don’t forget to include copies of any communication exchanges .

Lol, I’ve read the contract countless numbers of times, you don’t have to restate what it says on there. I also contacted them and they said I was fine with the D, same goes for my friend, don’t call bs on what I say.

I will be taking a stroll to UCI (probably tmr) and try to discuss this, if they negate me of said discussion, then I’ll probably write an appeal (given that I’m not reinstated, which I’m doubtful of either way).

Again, do you have documentation stating that your D was fine and whom you spoke with at UCI? Definitely take the time to find out exactly why your acceptance was withdrawn and if you have grounds for reinstatement.

@Gumbymom honestly no, literally that came from a phone call from March, so idk how credible I may seem to them but one can only hope they choose to have faith in what I say.

Conditions of acceptance (which are based on 10th and 11th grades only) include getting a C or better in ALL classes taken, and maintaining the level of performance upon which the acceptance was achieved. It appears you failed to meet the conditions of acceptance. Why were your senior year grades so abysmal? You certainly had to have significantly better than a 3.0 to gain acceptance into UCI.

There are a lot of kids with MUCH higher grades who weren’t accepted at all.