UCI withdrew my admission... wrongly?

You’re right, my friend had a 4.2 and I had a lower GPA, she didn’t get accepted (prior to her appeal being successful) and I did, why? Because I had a strong insight and she didn’t. And again, I’ve notified them about my D+, so that was acknowledged. If that were the main reason for me being rescinded I should’ve been rescinded in March.

I contacted my HS counselor recently and she said my GPA met the conditions, but truth be told; they accepted too many students. They had an absurd 850 more SIRs this year than last, so now it all comes down to the exciting time for them to begin purging students one by one, of which I was unfortunate enough to be a part of.

My senior year grades were sub par because I had family-related issues. And don’t worry, I made sure to include that as the “new compelling info” in my appeal. It was submitted last night and so now I await the next six weeks in agony as I realize now my spot in SPOP 2 has been pushed unto SPOP 10 at best or otherwise I wasted $295 for orientation and now must attend a CC for the next chapter of my life.

OP, you’re right in making plans for the next chapter of your life. Rather than waiting in agony, perhaps display some of that “strong insight” of yours and explore more options. If your HS GC is still working, perhaps ask for advice on what those options may be. Also, ask your GC to appeal on your behalf.

There are many brilliant people on this site. Perhaps reach out with a different thread asking advice on fall 2017 Options. They should have some ideas of possible options or schools which may still be accepting fall 2017 students.

Here are my 2 cents.

  1. Contact the other schools which accepted you and see if they have space available.
  2. Schedule an appt with that community college advisor and make sure you are all set with Plan C.

Colleges who still have space available:

@Materof2 Well, I’m not exactly “waiting in agony” haha. By strong insight I was referring to the insight questions, i.e. the 4 questions UC applicants have to answer. The only other college that accepted me was CSUF and 1) I can’t apply back because I didn’t SIR since I SIR’d to UCI (thus voiding my admission to CSUF) and 2) schools can be more lenient with transfer students from CC’s because, why would they transfer out another university? It’s really a matter of being in their shoes per se.

Anywho, my counselor (from HS) called me via phone and did give me my options, she basically said write an appeal and prepare for rejection by applying to a CC ahead of time just in case. She can’t exactly “appeal” for me, but she is fully willing to write my Letter of Recommendation, of which is an unlikely approach that UC’s would take, really. I took a good look at your link and none of those colleges are really schools I depict myself going to, but nonetheless I greatly appreciate the help :slight_smile:

I too had this happen to me. I read over the conditions thoroughly and found out I was not voiding any part of the contract. I’m in contact with my college admissions counselor who had helped me create and submit my UC applications, but we are seeing that I still had above a 3.0 in the UC A-G courses, I had no D’s or F’s, nor did I enter more rigorous courses than I enrolled in. I don’t see a problem with my application, and hopefully it was a mistake.

My Admission was also withdrawn! :frowning: I’m so sorry to hear you going through all of this! Feel free to give us updates!

Do you mind telling the reason for your withdrawal?

Oh boy two more victims, the purge is real with UCI and so will the SPOP 9 and 10 spots be once more students get reinstated. Also the reason for my withdrawal is in my alibi which is in the first post of this forum @pmal10

Also heads up to everyone: (assuming it isn’t too late) don’t go to the campus to discuss, the counselors won’t care. (not saying this because I’m upset I’m saying it because it’s true). You’ll be met with some tall lady at the desk and she’ll kindly brush you off as a result of not paying attention to you. From this you’re going to be so distraught that you’re going to also not pay attention to what she has to say and can’t help but look 45 degrees to your left and see the counselors at their cubicles having a casual conversation with legs kicked up on their desks and a cup of coffee in their hands. With great satire comes great (and first-hand) detail :slight_smile:

I’m not taking this withdrawal without a reason why I was given it. I hope that there is a mistake and that it will be corrected, but for now I don’t think I will not be in close contact with the admissions counselors. I will call Monday and find out more details on my case, if not, I will visit the campus, I’m only 20 minutes away.

lol, let’s just reiterate everything that’s going to happen: your phone call is going to lead you to being told to write an appeal, as they won’t give you a precise reason other than you violating a contract condition; you visiting the campus will lead you to being told to go home and write an appeal since appointments won’t be in for consideration; lastly your withdrawal isn’t a mistake, a lot of other people got withdrawn despite meeting the conditions, but (simply put) were withdrawn because they didn’t look as good as everyone else. Why am I so confident in saying that? Because my HS counselor told me I met the conditions and my faulty grade had already been reported, thus affirming my statement.

In the case that it were a mistake, there is one way to speak to your counselor directly: the appeal. You have two weeks to submit it from the day you were rescinded, otherwise your appeal becomes voided. Good luck w everything.

Submit an appeal.

Woah, I talked to others about it and i found out other people from my school got rescinded too. UCI is desperate to get rid of students. They shouldn’t have told me it “was fine” once I told them about my faulty grade. I could have had SIR’ ed to other UC’s or CSU’s.

I have a feeling everyone is going to get denied from the appeal.

I’m wondering who told you it was fine. Someone in authority?

My admission counselor did. I asked if my admission would be revoked and they said no I would be fine as long as I meet the 3.0 weighted GPA which I did.

@Mylifeisscrewed: The UCI admission counselor stated you were fine or your HS GC? Again, do you have any documentation from UCI to backup up your claim? It does not matter what your HS counselor tells you (unfortunately), you need to get documentation from the school that they were aware of your F 1st semester but a 3.0 weighted GPA with another F 2nd semester does not meet the provisional admission contract. You needed to get a 3.0 weighted GPA and a C or higher 2nd semester in your AP Calculus course. Why would a school let you slide with 2 F’s in the class??

It was my UCI admission counselor. It was sent through the message center.

What about, “Earn a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better…in these courses with no grade lower than a C?”

Is it possible they thought the D was just an interim or midterm snapshot and expected you to bring it up in the final grade?

(Darn, I just lost that link, but on various UC issues, it’s important to read the UC info, not just how an individual school words it.)

So yes I have documentation