ucla chem book??

<p>So for Chem 14A the book is called </p>

Ucla Chem Principles V1 (3rd) (Custom Pkg W/maruze</p>

<p>Can that only be bought at ucla store?</p>

<p>I want to know that too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUMP!!!!!!! </p>

<p>Particularly this part: Custom Pkg</p>

<p>since i noticed ISBN#'s different from their amazon counterparts</p>

<p>custom package just means it comes bundles with probably some sort of CD-ROM and possibly a solution manual. the ISBN for the textbook only will be different. i advise you to get the textbook only since i never used the CD that came with my chem book.</p>

<p>This custom package is new for chem 14A, it combines the needed text with the solution manual on the back for 14A only, you'll need to buy another package for 14B. It is a different package from the previous 14A textbook.</p>

<p>How about textbooks that are labeled "Custom Ed(ition)"? Are they really any different from the regular books? I couldn't find them on Amazon so I'm guessing I can only purchase it through UCLAESTORE?</p>

<p>I bought the entire "Chemical Principles" book off of amazon.com..
I'm hoping that "custom edition" only means that they extract the text out of the main textbook that has to do with 14A. </p>

<p>I didn't bother with the solution manual, because it can be found here:
<a href="http://bcs.whfreeman.com/chemicalprinciples3e/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://bcs.whfreeman.com/chemicalprinciples3e/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>[go to the bottom and click "Supplementary Study Guide Material"].</p>

<p>But actually, does anyone know if the study manual has solutions for both odd/even, or just odd? (site only has the odds.)</p>

<p>The same "Chemical Principles" book is used for 14B too.. except that the custom package for that one comes with some "acs Model Kit." (is this model kit even used?)</p>

<p>Ookla i think that's exactly waht lavelle is going to do. Custom is just a compilation of material from the textbook in an effort to bring down the price. For the price listed on the bookstore, we get the custom textbook (the essentials), a molecular kit, and a solution guide. I think the solution guide comes with all the problems worked out.</p>

<p>^ Is it really necessary to have a molecular kit??</p>

<p>If it's just the standard organic molecular model kit, you'll probably find it useful later on when you get to o-chem, which is why it's not included with the 14A set. It really helps you visualize bond angles and other configurations unless you're one of those people who can easily visualize complex things in 3D. </p>

<p>People often sell their model kits, so you can try to buy it second hand.</p>

<p>Is it really necessary to get the custom package?</p>

<p>yea the chem book:
the corresponding ISBN number. can't find the book using it on amazon. can someone give it to me so I can buy it used haha.</p>

<p>bumb? I need to purchase the chem book, so any help would be appreciated.</p>

<p>14A or 20A?</p>

<p>14a of course, like the discussion in this thread is about. I'd rather not purchase the custom package if I can help it...</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure this is the right ISBN number</p>


<p>For Chem 20A does anyone know if we have to buy the Oxtoby Principles of Modern Chemistry textbook with the Problem and Solution Manuel?</p>

<p>Anyone know the one for the chem20a?</p>


How about for the 20A book? I know when you referred to custom you were writing about 14A - do they just remove sections of the assigned chem book for the custom ed 20A book too?</p>

<p>EDIT: Answering my own question - yes, it applies to 20A too because the price is only $60 compared to its Amazon counterpart.</p>

<p>Can someone answer rasenganx's question? It's weird since it's corresponding textbook is OPTIONAL!</p>

<p>Bump Post#19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>