UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

I just told my kiddo UCLA and SD will release their decision today, she said “oh, I am gonna take a nap, wake me up when cee cee exploded”. LOL

She thinks I am weird to join an online forum, she never heard of CC until i had to come clean when I told her on Feb 1 to check her UMich portal. UCLA and UCB are the only schools that could compete with UMich from all her acceptances thus far. She is equally happy going to any of those 3 to be honest.

Good luck to everyone! And hello from NJ!

anyone know what time UCLA is releasing?? EST??

@coniston1, UCLA is releasing at 8pm EDT.

thx! @lkbux64

Are they coming out for sure today? I don’t want to ask my son. I’ve already stressed him out enough.
BTW, my daughter was waitlisted at UCSD 2 years ago. She immediately wrote the admissions office an email and stated all the reasons she wanted to attend. She was accepted a week later. So if you get waitlisted, go for it!

Did anybody check the UCLA admissions twitter? I feel they are referring to the decisions coming out today. Is it just me?

Yeah I just checked it. It’s definitely about decisions coming out today, we all already know it’s coming out at 5pm PST.

No their Insta seems to indicate that decisions come out today.

3PM is when decisions came out last year. Fingers Crossed!!

Am I the only one who’s portal is not working? It says “The MyApplication Status site is currently unavailable. We expect to be back up Friday evening.”

OMG I just tried to login. It seems to be down… Guess they aren’t coming back up.

Not yet anyways. Maybe they’re down because of huge load or maybe its just maintenance.

Picking up for @10s4life here. UCLA has confirmed that the decisions are coming out at 5pm Pacific time today. The portals have been down for a couple of days in preparation for release of the decisions. Good luck to all!

Hello College Confidential Members!

I’m currently a first year at UCLA and I remember the excitement, nervousness, and every emotion you’re experiencing right now just like it was yesterday. Since I’m done with finals and have nothing to do, I figured I’d answer any questions you potential Bruins may have about UCLA. Good luck to you all and I hope to see you around campus! (I’m also a new student advisor for orientations over the summer, so you might be in my group!)

Do decisions come at 5pm PST or PT?

Was a freshman in 1985. Seems like yesterday. Waiting to hear on my D; not likely, but hopeful.

@yolopopsis PST and PT are the same

Waiting for @10s4life’s 2pm announcement :slight_smile:


Today’s the day! Congrats on making it this far. I hope you have found the UCLA Forum on College Confidential helpful and thanks to all the users who contributed to it. This thread will remain closed from the time of this post until 5:15PM so users will have a chance to see it. In the following post you’ll find instructions for reporting your decision on College Confidential and what to do as a next step no matter what your decision is.

Decisions will be released Friday, March 22, 2019 at or after 5:00PM PST

Posting Decisions on College Confidential
Please post decisions here on this thread only: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-los-angeles/2129460-ucla-class-of-2023-decision-thread-stats-only.html#latest

Posting decisions in the discussion thread will clog it up. If a user has a question on what to do further (ie appeals, waitlist) the user helping can refer to a decision post in the decisions thread by searching it up. It would help a lot. If you found this thread helpful consider posting a way to pay it forward for future applicants so they can gauge where they stand by looking at the previous year’s decision thread. You can bookmark the thread by clicking on the “star” icon on the top.

What to do Next: Accepted
Congrats! This is an awesome accomplishment. UCLA’s acceptance rate is the lowest in the UC system. Make sure to follow these steps and keep these thoughts in mind over the next 30 or so days:

  1. Attend Bruin Day on April 13th. It is all day from 8AM-4:30PM. Make sure to arrive early and book travel arrangements as hotels fill up fast. This is an awesome event and is super well done.
  2. Attend Discover Engineering Day on April 14th. It is also all day at UCLA. This is for engineering admits only. Make sure to add this to your travel plans when booking for Bruin Day. If you are an admit to engineering this event will blow your socks off.
  3. SIR by May 1st! This is important do not forget. The moment you decide UCLA is the school for you SIR to the school.
  4. Sign up for housing. All freshman are in triples. Classics or plazas are the only options with 80+% ending up in classics. You should sign up for housing by the deadline to guarantee your 3 years of housing. You do not need to find a roommate yet to fill out the housing app. You can add roommates later. There will be a UCLA Class of 2023 Facebook page. Most people find roommates that way. A full housing and dining hall FAQ will be released first week of April.
  5. Keep up your grades! UCLA reserves the right to rescind applicants that have grades drop from past performance and/or are below a 3.0UW. If you are in danger just do your best as no one can tell if you will be rescinded.
  6. Once you accept your admission make sure to follow the MyUCLA checklist on your portal. Do not be the student that misses deadlines and gets rescinded.
  7. Send in your official transcripts and AP/IB exam scores.
  8. In early May you will register for New Student Orientation. It is a lot of fun. Classes are going to be saved for each session so whether you go to the firs tor last session, you’ll still get your classes.
  9. If you got a Cal Grant make sure to make UCLA your attending school so you get your money.
  10. Some of you are going to be invited for a stay over program the day before Bruin day with current students. Keep an eye out for invites for that. I hosted for the OOS and highly recommend you attend.
  11. Here is the link to the official class of 2023 Facebook group run by UCLA undergrad admissions. This is your best bet to find roomates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/UCLA23/?ref=share

That is pretty much it for now. Congrats and I hope you choose to make UCLA your home. Feel free to PM or tag me if you have any questions.

What to do Next: Waitlist
While this may be a disappointed, a waitlist means that you are good enough to get admitted but there is just not enough space. UCLA typically does not admit a lot of students off the waitlist. Here are things to keep in mind:

  1. UCLA will not get back to you before the SIR deadline for other schools. This means you 100% need to SIR to a school you were admitted to.
  2. Fill out any supplemental essays or questions you are sent. This is important if you want a chance to get moved from the waitlist. This will help them gauge interest.
  3. You cannot appeal a waitlist decision as they know you are good enough to attend but there is a lack of space.

What to do Next: Rejection
While it might suck, know that being rejected from UCLA or any school is not a reflection of you as a person. UCLA has over 100k freshman applicants and almost all of them can succeed at UCLA there is just not enough spots. Here are things you should do if you are rejected:

  1. Don’t dwell on it, SIR to a school you have available to you.
  2. No matter what school you will attend you’ll have an amazing college experience. It is a time of fun, doing crazy things you would’ve never seen yourself doing in high school, and maybe learn a thing or two. Don’t let not getting into UCLA spoil the greatest four years of your life. Once you meet the friends you make at your school you’ll wonder how you could have ever ended up anywhere else.
  3. Appeals. Ok this is tricky since many people want to appeal. I’ll be honest on what will constitute an appeal since the site only says “new information that was not available during review”. New info is not senior year grades, or awards or accomplishments earned after the app was sent. Appealing with that will be automatically denied. An undiagnosed medical condition, a course you forgot to submit, or something along those lines would be something to appeal on. You cannot add in extra curriculars that you didn’t have space for since everyone has the same space on the app.

I hope this was helpful and best of luck when you open your decision. Remember no matter where you go you’ll have a blast. The people is really why I love UCLA. Memories of going to football games, making lifelong friends, exploring Westwood and LA are really why I love UCLA. I hope that each of you that gets accepted decides to make UCLA your home. Good luck and Go Bruins!
