UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

Forgot to comment earlier, but accepted into Pre-Math!

GPA: 4.0 UW (4.69 W)
8 APs, lots of honors
SAT 1540, MATH II 800, ACT 35
Average ECs
Essays were pretty good imo

Accepted: UCI (honors), UCD (regents), UCSD, CPP, CPSLO, CSULB, CSUF, Amherst College, Emory University, Swarthmore College
Waitlisted: Case Western, Bowdoin, Northeastern
Rejected: Pomona, Claremont McKenna

Accepted!!! in-state
gpa: 4.0 UW (5.0 W)
sat: 1510
10 APs
IB diploma candidate
EC: 3 sport varsity athlete, volunteer at hospital, 5 clubs

accepted: uci, ucsd, ucsb, ucd, sdstate, pepperdine, georgia tech, usc, northwestern

Accepted!! International student
GPA; 17/20 (French BAc grading system)

Accepted! Out of state
GPA: 4.0 UW 5.2 W
SAT: 1580
Major: Pre-business economics

Waitlisted. International
SAT: 1500, R/W - 700, Math - 800
SAT 2: Math 2 - 770, Physics - 800
Major: CS in CoE

Does anyone know what the acceptance rate was? even approximately?

they said in a comment on instagram that it’s still a 2 digit number but lower than last year, which was 14%


There is a Facebook group - UCLA Class of 2023 (OFFICIAL). There is also an IG but it doesn’t look official to me.

Wow!!! Can’t believe I actually got in!! So excited :slight_smile:

Pre-Business Econ major. International student.

34 ACT, 94 UW GPA, 800 SAT Math II and 770 SAT French, good ECs and pretty good essays.

@911Yellow what do you think got you in? gpa? essays? hardship? URM?

@Hoopie14 write whatever is your truth.

D got accepted to bioengineering
4.0 UW
4.55 w
1470 SAT
32 ACT
Principal Cellist, Regional Honors Orchestra
One club
Waitlist: Chicago
Rejected: Georgia Tech, Northwestern
Waiting on: Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, Rice

@10s4life Is it already decided no engineering majors will get off the waitlist? Why was the option given?

@kj2023 It’s just historically, it’s not needed. The waitlist is used just in case not enough people accept but that hasn’t been an occurrence in a while for engineering.

Accepted In State !!
4.5 weighted
3.95 uw
1220 SAT
major - design media arts
Attended UCLA summer program, President/officer of 5+ clubs, Multiple Scholastic Art awards, UCLA science competition finalist, LOTS of community service and projects
Other acceptances- Pratt, RIT, SDSU, SJSU, UCSC
rejection- UT Austin
Waitlist- University of Washington

Is anyone’s financial aid letter not loading? It says there’s an error

@NellieWhoah Congrats on your admitted to UCLA L&S Financial Acturial Math. Do you mind to share your stats (GPA, SAT score, SAT Subject Test scores, AP scores and what kind of essays (good or decent)). Thank you!

@chucko Congrats on your admitted UCLA Bioengineering. Do you mind to share your stats (GPA, SAT score, SAT Subject Test scores, AP scores and what kind of essays (good or decent)). Thank you!

@meeplife2023 same here!

In state
Admitted: Mechanical Engineering
ACT: 33 (36 english, 35 math)
SATII: 760 math ii, 720 physics
GPA: 4.44 UC capped
XC team captain, drum major, engineering mentorship, work, 300+ volunteering, bunch of other clubs
Good essays probs 9/10