UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

I found an old post in 2016 which might be helpful to answer some questions related to Alumni Scholarship:

"Anyways, I ended up speaking with a very nice lady (ASC). I did get the impression that the invitations are sent out very very selectively…

From what I surmised from my conversation, UCLA admissions provides a list of kids to the ASC, their phone numbers and emails but does not share the actual UC applications so the ASC is kind of blind about you which is why you have to enter all your resume again. This list is provided to ASC a lot earlier than final decisions so kids who UCLA adcom might find attractive in 1st cut could drop off during the holistic review in the 2nd cut.

I see all you kids worried if there is something implied in being invited and I am not sure my post helps but i did have a direct conversation and this is what I recollect. So take it as a good sign but not a guarantee."

@abcxxyyzz Thanks for your post. I spoke to the Alumni Committee this morning, and it’s correct that they don’t have access to the original application. FWIW, I was also told that this year it was sent out to a greater number of students than previous years.

@WhimsicalSquid Thank you for info! Did they say how many more students received the invite…used to be top 20% of apps. Now top 30% 40% 50%?? Or no actual figure mentioned? Just wondering.

I wonder if UCLA is using the alumni scholarship invitation to get more data about how many from this pool of invited students is likely to enroll if accepted, so that they can manage the number of total offers to make without over enrolling. You have to be very interested in UCLA to do the work for the alumni application, so there could be a correlation between the number who apply for the alumni scholarship and the number who enroll. Also, the scholarship application process can be a way for the university to keep alumni engaged with the university as application readers.

@kittycat1203 I’m itching to know too, but it was pretty clear I wasn’t going to get specifics. Her words were along the lines of “We’re reaching out to a greater number of students.”

Those numbers won’t be publicly disclosed unfortunately.

when do current students enroll for fall2020 courses? I couldn’t locate it on any UCLA website

@Jojo71 Fall Schedule of Classes usually comes out early June. Then the current students start enrolling mid-June to early July depending on their enrollment appointment times. For example, 2019-2020 enrollment information can be found here. https://www.registrar.ucla.edu/Term-Calendar

What is everyone doing to make the time go by faster until March decisions? I never knew this would be so stressful to wait…

im legit going crazy waiting :frowning:

does anyone know the date decisions come out? I’ve heard its the 3rd friday of march… is this confirmed? ucla is my dream school and i really hope i get in ahhh

Might be a silly question but…

I applied to 4 UC’s (SB, SC, and SD as well as UCLA) and its been crickets from all of them after portal instructions, except for UCLA. Is UCLA admissions just better at communicating with students about things like housing, affordability, and campus life, or is there a correlation with admittance and communication across the UC’s.

I did receive the Alumni invite which I understand in the past has a correlation. I mean heck they get 111,000 apps… do they really need to drum up interest?

it is my belief that since UCLA gets so many applications that they observe demonstrated interest by tracking if you click on all the emails from admissions. Not sure if there’s truth in that but there certainly is a lot of clicking going on here. Did you apply to the alumni scholarship?

@31953195Cf same!

Yeah I did. Why not? What’s another couple of completely different essays to write lol!

Demonstrated interest does not count for UCLA. Except if you get a supplemental questionnaire it is highly recommended you fill that out.

Just sharing some thoughts:

  • please do apply to Alumni Scholarship if you can. My daughter was invited and then applied. Last year, she was only informed a month before school started that she got it. She loves UCLA and being active at ASC. Nonetheless, she has friends who are not in ASC but thriving as well.

    -10s4life and gumbymom are great support for this forum. Professor Plum too!
    -waiting is hard but things will fall into place. UCLA was not the first choice of my daughter but ended up to be a great fit. You will thrive wherever you are if you choose to do so.
    -if you do get accepted, consider enrolling a class or two this summer (yes- before school starts in September. Several students did so in my child’s batch and they got a head start in classes. Also, summer classes are charged in-state fees irrespective of residence.)
    Whether you end being a Bruin or not, I wish you all the best!

@D4Mom Thanks for tips…very helpful!

Great info – thank you!

Question, I received the UCLA supplemental questions and was wondering if that’s a good or bad sign

Am I able to submit my first year grade report to UCLA or any other UCs? thanks.