UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

Feel at home email means nothing.

@10s4life not sure if you are able to share this information, but if the alumni scholarship was sent out to a greater number of applicants this year, does this mean the 60% chance decreases? or does it remain the same?

@boba345 I don’t have access to that but I assume the correlation would go down.

Hi, What happens if we start on the Alumni Scholarship application but somehow we are unable to submit by the deadline. Would that be badly for the applicant? I am concerned with the current school work load that my daughter really may not be able to write high quality essays. But she does want to try.

@10s4life This might have already been answered, but how important is the Alumni Scholarship Application? Does it really have an impact on admission status/was it only sent to a select group of people? I have okay stats (34 ACT, 4.3 GPA, 3.9 UW, lots of service, sports, OOS), and received the alumni invitation, but my friend with much lower stats than me (26 ACT, not much service and slim EC’s, 3.6 W and UW, OOS), got the alumni scholarship email as well. I feel like they might have just sent it to everyone…

The Alumni Association is independent of UCLA admissions. There is only a one way flow of information:

  1. UCLA admissions give the Alumni Association a list of some subset of applicants for the invitation email. Then the invitation is sent out and people apply for the Alumni scholarship.
  2. After UCLA admissions have announced their admission decisions, they give the Alumni Association a list of admitted students so they can screen out any scholarship applications from those who weren’t admitted before starting to read them.

The only time information goes the other way is when the Alumni Association tell financial aid about the awarded scholarships.

So there is no impact on the admission decision from any Alumni scholarship application. The fact that there may be correlation (depending on how selective UCLA admissions were in compiling the original list for the invitation email) is in no way causation.

Did everyone receive the “Feel at Home at UCLA” email? Its just a basic promotional email, but really, UCLA seems to be the only school still sending promotional emails shortly before the decision date with the especially suggestive and encouraging title. Do they really send that to everyone who applied?

@Sisternight This was sent to everyone who expressed interest.

Did anyone get an email on prospective undergrad UCLA UG? Asking you to confirm a link to look for fin aid opportunities

no I didn’t :confused:

The financial aid email is also generic. Usually sent in waves.

hi when does ucla decisions come out for fall 2020 undergrad applicants? i heard its march 20 but im not too sure.

I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that scholarship would be offered along with admission. If so, I would think alumni decided first on their end. If it turns out that some recipients were not offered admission, I guess the next ones down the list will get. But what do I know? :smiley:

@icedmachiato No they’re awarded after admission. Once you get in the school you’ll have to head down for interviews and stuff.

Really? I look at the email he forwarded and here it is…

UCLA’s Financial Aid and Scholarships Office will select the recipients after an initial evaluation by the Alumni Association Scholarship Review Committee. The first round of Alumni Scholarship winner notifications will be included on the Provisional Award Letter (PAL) in late March with the release of Admission Decisions. Further Alumni Scholarships will continue to be offered to incoming students throughout the summer.

@icedmachiato first rounds are small

If I want to give schools updates related to receiving a new award etc., what is the best method for me to do that? Who would I email? Do you think they have already made decisions yet?

I got the UCLA Supplemental Questionnaire late January but am concerned about how I’ll fare when they review my file for the sole reason that I didn’t have a hardship to write about. I wrote my heart out for the talent essay (mainly because I felt it applied to me) but from what I’ve noticed on past threads is that people with the hardship usually get in, talent people don’t? Could someone shine some light on this/rate my essays?

How’s ur wait going guys?

On the application for the Alumni Scholarship it asks for GPA. Do you list the GPA on your UC applications (10th & 11th) or your current GPA, including Fall semester grades?