UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

Please check and don’t assume on the time due. I unfortunately assumed the Jackie Robinson Scholarship was due at 11:59 pm on a certain date and it was due at like 5 pm so I missed out.

As far as the other random scholarship offers on our portals, I think they are based upon that long list we checked off when we filled out the application. I’ve received other scholarship opportunities in my portal but many of them I don’t really qualify for.

The only one I was invited to via email was the Alumni Scholarship.

Hi 10s4life,
We have received invite to apply for for Jumanici and D.Lewis and Lynn Bosely Mingori scholarships.
Could you or anybody elaborate as to what they are and how good they are?
Are they good sign for the admission at UCLA?
Thank you

When should we anticipate the engineering emails/likely letters will start to roll out?

@Eastcoast234 Those matches are only based on demographics or other criteria. The only “good sign” is the initial invite email because that is based on screening from undergrad admissions. Anything after is done by the alumni association which has no connection to admissions. Idk about those specific scholarships.

Ok thank you @10s4life for the reply. Also, are the regents invites for UCLA done? Have not heard students receiving regents for UCLA?

@Eastcoast234 invites to apply for UCLA Regents scholarships were sent out in early February. The application was due on Feb 15.

Thank you for the reply

does anyone know when decisions might come out?

Probably the 20th.

Hi @10s4life I know that you said the decisions would be released on the 20th, but kids at my school all anticipate that decisions will be released this Friday, was the date changed or are they incorrect?

Ha, trying to upload alumni scholarship and the site is down. Must be many other procrastinators out there. Lol

Online it was stated 20th too.
And rip, were you able to submit @west2east20 ?

Yup, Cindy, working on it now.

Does that mean alumni scholarship is not a “good sign”?

If I understand @10s4life correctly, receiving the email invitation for the Alumni Scholarship is a “good sign.” The matches don’t mean anything except our demographics might match the scholarship requirements.

@separatelayer Yep!

@alphakaren Not sure where they are getting that. This Friday is most likely UC davis and possibly ucsd. Ucla is always after those schools on the third Friday of March. You’ll get possible hints from ucla undergrad on twitter a day or two before. Stay tuned!

@10s4life I saw in previous comments there’s an engineering email that comes out a week-ish before decisions. Is that the equivalent to a likely letter? When would those begin coming out?

My kid#1 got an invite to UCLA engineering open house before he officially received his acceptance. From my somewhat foggy memory, I think it was about a week before receiving admission.

@cowboysfan2001 Things may change this year due to concerns with the impact of corona virus. If admitted student events are cancelled then I don’t think an admitted students invite email would come out. Stanford and Harvard already cancelled theirs. UCSD cancelled all student tours.