UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

UCLA, UCB and UCSD use fully weighted. While the rest of the UCs only allow 8 weighted. This might be the reason UCSD you did not get in while UC Davis you got in.

@Perfecto00 UCLA, UCB use uncapped gpa and clearly stated the on their website (they also require 2 Sat Subject tests for engineering) … I have not heard that UCSD is using uncapped. Can you show me the link or website that says this? Thank you.

@nella2024 ask ms. sun website mentioned the fully weighted for UCLA and UCB. What I did is look at their admitted profile. Normally 8 weighted will only reach 4.3 and fully weighted can go as high as 5.0.

@10s4life @Gumbymom Do you have any knowledge of UCLA’s involvement with the Horatio Alger Schloarship winners? My daughter was given a UCLA augmented review, an alumni Schloarship invitation and won the California State Scholar award from the HAA . I read on Ucla’s Fin Aid page that UCLA helps select students for this Schloarship . Curious because she listed UCLA as her No.1 choice on the HAA Schloarship form.

@nella2024 There are several places where UCSD states that they evaluate unweighted and uncapped. This is one that shows it has been happening for at least five years. https://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/_files/ug-ed/uaac/060314_Fall2014_AdmissionsUpdate.pdf

@Perfecto00 I looked at the UCSD admit profile … and it’s showing the capped GPA: 4.0 to 4.28 …


UCLA, on the other hand, shows 4.18 - 4.32, which is uncapped.

I am seeing 4.0 to less than 4.3 for all campuses except UCLA and UCB. If 4.3 is the highest capped GPA, then UCSD is not listing in the admission profile.

@lkg4answers Thanks I also saw this pdf but it was old (2014) so I was wondering if it is old data. But I cannot find anything later than this document. There was talk that it changed to being holistic in 2015.
It is interesting to note though: “Each campus (and specific colleges on each campus) assign various weights to these 14 factors. The holistic admission process was designed to provide the opportunity for each campus to identify additional forms of achievement that may not be captured by an individual’s GPA or test scores.”


I don’t think getting denied or accepted into the other UCs are a good telling of your standing for UCLA. I know people who got accepted into all UCs (includi Berkeley) but Then rejected from UCLA, and I know people who got rejected from every UC (excluding Merced because they didn’t apply there) excepted accepted at UCLA. It’s really a mixed up process of what the schools are looking for.

D accepted at UCSC, UCSD, UCD - received Chancellor’s Top Applicant invite (and acceptance at UCSB, Alumni Scholarship email from UCLA. Hopefully, there is a trend here… but at this point who knows!

My personal theory - there is no coordination among UC’s, but admission decisions cannot be attributed to the institutional priorities, either. While we’d all like to believe that admissions are fair in a sense that all candidates are compared equally across board by some uniform entity like A.I., the truth is that all applications in holistic admissions are judged by humans just like us. They too have their own biases and moods, and an essay that evokes a wow from one person may fall flat or seem artificial to another one. Once kids meet some unspoken threshold in stats, it is a bit of a lottery even at some non-HYPS schools. Best of luck everyone!

This is a reoccurring topic every year admissions comes out. The UC campuses do not coordinate with each other. Again, they do not coordinate with each other. Each one uses the same basic criteria but adapts it to their own unique admission practices. There are so many applicants the campuses can barely get through them as is, there is no time for any collusion between campuses. Getting into all UC’s is statistically difficult and they are all independent events. So admission to one does not guarantee admission to another. Obviously someone who has gotten into all the ones that have been released so far are likely to be strong candidates so that can just be further affirmation on that. But there are tons of anecdotes of people getting into everywhere but UCLA or only Cal and nowhere else.

On a moderation note, please do not post about collusion between campuses because that only confuses users and reads of this thread even more and I don’t have time to answer every tag asking if campuses coordinate.

Basically, its not worth reading into any kind of coordination theories because they just aren’t true. Its only a few days away. Good luck on Friday everyone!

Getting an alumni scholarship does NOT mean you’re going to be admitted. I read, awhile ago, some thing an alumni wrote. He reviews the applications and said getting an invitation means UCLA thought you were an interesting candidate. However, getting that email does NOT do anything to your admissions chances, as everyone had the opportunity to apply to the alumni scholarship regardless of getting an email for it.

@Perfecto00: All the UC’s consider the 3 UC GPA’s but UCLA and UCB are the only 2 that lists statistical data on their Freshman profiles for the Fully weighted UC GPA. It does not mean that UCD, UCI, UCSB, UCR, UCSC and UCM do not look at the overall academics and rigor for the applicants.

I thought I read somewhere (or heard it at a presentation) that OOS does NOT get a “UC GPA.” Am I crazy and making this up? I think we are all on edge about decisions on Friday…

@COmama24: OOS applicants do have UC GPA’s since they are required to fulfill the a-g course requirements. International students that do not have a normal GPA grading scale, would not have a conventional UC GPA.

OOS applicants will also not get extra honors points in the GPA calculation for HS designated Honors classes, only AP/IB or DE courses that are UC transferable.

Ok-thank you! I could have sworn I saw that somewhere…that does stink about the honors classes, although our school doesn’t even weight them. Only AP. Everyone should do the same thing! Oh, the stress… :slight_smile: And my daughter had to audition on top of everything so there is that added piece…they have all worked so hard and it’s rough watching them go thru this…

@coffeebitch17 The alumni scholarship email does not mean you will get into ucla. But there is a noticeable correlation for those who get the invite and eventually get admitted. Applying or not
applying and any subsequent invites through the alumni association do not affect chances. Getting the email is a positive sign though.

I got rejected to ucd ucsd ucsb and pepperdine. My gpa is 3.9 weighted, 1350 sat and major undeclared. I doubt I’ll get into ucla with these rejections

However I did get a supplemental request and answered thoroughly with my 1st semester grades

D accepted at UCSD, waitlisted UCSB ( Psychology and brain Sciences) and received the UCLA Alumni invite… Just cant wait till Friday!!!