UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

Most likely 5:30, when the crowd has died down.

I’m sure you’ll do great, Cindy!

@CindyLeuWho the site does not crash every year.

@johnis722 UCLA does not accept by major for the College of L&S

@10s4life I called the UCLA admissions office and I was told that freshman decisions will be released sometime next week. I am very confused because I was under the impression that decisions were to be released tomorrow. Can you confirm when the release will be? Thank you!

Oh no! I really hope they release decisions tomorrow, I’m sick of waiting lol. We’ve already waited almost 4 months so I guess if worst come to worst we can wait a couple more days… (:

I don’t know if we should trust them. Someone called UCSD admissions to ask if it would come out that on Friday and they were told there was no way. 30 minutes later, they came out that Friday lol.

@cpsnsjn7 As far as I know tomorrow was the date. Something might have changed between the beginning of this week and today though as I left campus. But I don’t see why it wouldn’t be.

anyone else like, vibrating rn

Like who has advice for what to do rn in the last few hrs before decisions come out lol I can’t just keep logging into my profile hoping for a change yall

UCLA admission Twitter not updated to confirm tomorrow decision date. Did they update last year right before decision day?

?WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! Melting down, crying loud, and continuously bending over! ?

While we wait for decisions, I was wondering if any current students or alumni could provide any (unbiased) insight into the differences between UCLA and USC. I understand the two schools have a really intense rivalry. Often times, in rivalries like theirs, there is usually a school that is pretty much better in most ways. (Not to offend anyone, but take Michigan State v. University of Michigan for example…U of M is clearly the better school in any way I can think of. Same for Virginia Tech. and University of Virginia. Not many people would choose Tech. over UVA if they had a choice).

As an outsider to the two schools (no legacy or affiliation), I can’t seem to see a clear winner to the rivalry. From what I’ve gathered, UCLA seems like the more renowned school (when you think LA, you think of UCLA and not USC), but USC seems like the more fun, “cooler” school. I also understand UCLA is better academically, but to be honest their rankings are so close I don’t put much weight in that. I also know USC is in a really bad area and UCLA isn’t.

Anyways, if anyone could provide some insight into the differences academically, culturally, socially, physically (on campus), etc., I’d really appreciate it.

Best of luck tomorrow everyone! We will all end up exactly where we are meant to be.

Last year Admissions did not announce anything on Twitter regarding decisions coming out until the day of around noon.

Rejected from my dream school today, so I’m hoping for good news tomorrow!

@notts20 Wish you best of luck! Keep your head up, this is a stressful time for all of us but we’ll all be alright.

Hi! My dad is an alumni of UCLA and I am a die hard Bruin fan so I am biased… But I have been to campus a ton of times and been on lots of tours, also attended lots of UCLA sports game. Here are some facts about UCLA (and some about USC):

-UCLA is a large campus but the very friendly vibe makes it feel small.
-Sports are a big deal and basketball or football games are a ton of fun, I’ve had football season tickets many times.
-UCLA is in a great area, with lots to do on and off campus.
-UCLA is very diverse, you can look up the stats but it feels very balanced.
-Now this is for sure just a fact: UCLA is wayyy cheaper than USC because it’s public.
-UCLA is more selective and so you’re surrounded by people of high caliber which makes it a very prestigious, yet as you can see also well-rounded school.
-I think the #1 food in the nation, which is a bonus!

With regards to USC being “cooler” I don’t know much about the vibe at USC. I know it’s in a bad area. But I do know that UCLA is a very cool school! You can always take a self guided tour even now (I believe) if you want to check it out.

I hope this info helps! Lmk if you have any questions. I can always ask my dad (:

It’s tomorrow right? It wouldn’t be next Friday because UCLA doesn’t usually release after ivy day right?

@dbrusoccer it’s supposed to be tomorrow and that’s what we’ve heard all along but at this point, who knows with Covid-19? As @10s4life has been telling us, it should be tomorrow at 5 pm PST but I guess we’ll see…

There seems to be a lot of action on this page so I thought this would be a good place to ask. Has anyone heard anything about that May 1st decision deadline (not just for UCLA, but colleges in general) being pushed back because of the virus?

@furniture I have heard on another forum that some schools have pushed their deadline back to June 1st. There’s also a change .org petition going around called push back 2020 national college decision day that you can google and sign

@furniture there’s a twitter account called AcceptGroup - if you look at it, they are frequently tweeting the updated list of schools that have delayed their decision (deposit) deadline to June 1. Also another Twitter account called Youth_Truth tweeted the list today. It’s on a Google doc and is being updated frequently. None of the UC’s are on the list at this point.

So is there any confirmation on the relationship on receiving update emails when the decisions come out and acceptance?