UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

Does anyone know when parents weekend will be in 2020? Is there always a football game that weekend?

@mosiebos Don’t know the exact date but its always a home football game.

Congratulations to all those accepted!!

Congratulations to all those accepted!!

Did anyone receive any response on alumni scholarships?

Nothing here.

On the portal for the freshmen alumni scholarship it says: “UPDATE ON AWARD DECISIONS: The first round of Alumni Scholarship offers are made to top-ranked scholars within a week of UCLA Admissions decisions. If you do not receive an offer during this initial round, you may still receive an Alumni Scholarship. Awards continue to be made throughout the summer, as students are matched to the restricted scholarships within the program. In general, most are completed by August, and we will send out an email informing applicants the awarding has closed at that time.” I don’t know how much substance this holds but it is all i have heard of.

Thanks @user_780558 . I was really wondering whether the first week notification did go or not. So for there is only one post on reddit and no one here mentioned about receiving the scholarship.

I’ve been looking on reddit and it seems that there are multiple people who have been told that they have gotten an interview, with one person even getting a text to “chat” and interview.

Hello! My name is Lauren Hayat and I am a Junior at UCLA. I’m currently the President of Hillel, UCLA’s Jewish organization that aims to help students develop their Jewish identity throughout college through fun and engaging event (and a lot of free food!). To all prospective Bruins interested in finding out more about Hillel, make sure to check out our myriad of events this month to help you feel at home at UCLA : https://www.hillelatucla.org/class-of-2024 .
In addition, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions about Hillel or UCLA in general. I’m a Psychology and Communications double major involved in Hillel and the Student Alumni Association. My email is email is Lhayat99@ucla.edu . Thanks and go bruins!

For engineering admits: the UCLA Engineering Ambassador Team has started a Virtual Q&A Program for Admitted Students where you can sign up for personal sessions with pairs of Engineering Ambassadors. We offer 10 time slots per week with every single major represented. There are as many as 8 pairs of ambassadors in each time slot. You can choose which pairs of ambassadors you would like to speak to about anything! On the form there is a link to bios about each ambassador so you can choose a pair that aligns most with your interests. You can sign up for as many slots and ambassadors as you like. We know this isn’t the same as tours but hopefully this helps with your decision! Sign up links were sent to your email listed on your MyUCLA portal.

That’s awesome! Too bad they aren’t setting up similar options for other majors.

@lkg4answers Yeah I hope the other admission teams start something similar!

For those that have submitted the SIR and committed, have you guys received any information on orientation or any email regarding UCLA moving forward?

@Mystrick77 You’ll get info for sign ups after the SIR deadline has passed. Orientation will be virtual this year due to coronavirus.

Hi so I kind of have a small problem. I really wanted the UCLA Bruin Bound sign that usually comes with the acceptance packet. My friend got hers weeks ago along with a letter and a colorful pamphlet. I got a letter and a black and white cover photo book. Can anyone please let me know if I will receive the UCLA Bound sign later, and if this is normal? Thanks!

Son accepted his admission yesterday - Go Bruins! We got a Webinar survey/feedback email today and highlighted two things - (1) We are missing a virtual student ambassador style campus tour. Especially being OOS (2) Also need info sessions from individual majors.

Just saw that CalState Fullerton is going online in the fall. I also got email from UCSC that it is offering deferral to 2021. Would anyone consider deferring till 2021 if this Fall is online? UCLA is my first choice for college, but I would not be happy paying full tuition for an online experience.


Couple of questions on AP credits, my twin boys will be attending CSE this fall at Samueli -

AP Physics C Mechanics can be used to skip one Physics course (which one is it?)
AP Calc BC an be used to skip MATH 31A and 31B
AP Lit for writing requirement

Is my understanding correct?

Also, what about AP Gov, AP Spanish, AP Stats and AP Music theory? Can they help in skipping any requirement.? I understand AP comp sci AB cannot be used for anything.


Congrats to your boys!
Physics 1A is the class it can be skipped with. If they get a 5. But that’s highly not recommended. Everyone pretty much takes 1A on campus. By the time students take 1A (winter quarter first year), people are in Multivariable Calc so that math is used. 1B will use multi in everything and use some linear alg and differential eqs. So skipping 1A for 1B means your sons will be taking 1B with students who are not only used to ucla math and physics (heavy on theory and symbolic math) but also took 1a and know how do handle the class. Also the lab associated with Physics 1A is difficult without taking 1A here. Math you can skip being ok for the most part and that credit assumption is correct. And English is fulfilled by either lit or Lang. The other courses you named can’t be used. But we only take 5 GEs anyways and the four year plan has GEs near the end actually when the hardest CS classes are. All majors can be completed in 4 years with no AP credit assumed so not skipping physics wont do anything.