UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

  1. I know for life science/pre-med type majors, some UCs recommend students NOT bypass the campus' intro bio/chem/calc classes even if they have the corresponding credits. The logic is the UC classes are much more in-depth and will better set students up for success in the subsequent science/math sequence. For UCLA, I couldn't find any such guidance or recommendation on the letters and science website. Does anyone have any feedback from current students?
  2. Can incoming freshman students take summer school classes at a community college? I ask because I read some comments here about the risk of being considered a transfer student if you are taking classes at community college before you enroll and that might invalidate new freshman admission status. Can someone please clarify.

Thanks in advance.

@sdmom22 That information will be communicated at orientation. Students don’t need to worry about that stuff until then. They will get to have private sessions with their new student advisor to plan out that stuff. For pre-meds its generally not advised since medical schools require pre reqs to be done at school. For CC its not that there is risk, its that its not allowed at all. They can enroll in CC the summer after freshman year though.

@Cows132 If you are in L&S no one is in a major yet. As in, you aren’t declared. Its a “pre major” so they place you in the right groups for orientation. You can decide to take classes to declare econ etc at orientation if you change your mind. Even if you are currently “pre econ” you can easily do pre reqs for english and declare english without changing your “pre major” declaration on myucla. Getting into a specific major is based on the GPA/completion of designated pre reqs. For engineers, they are admitted to their majors already.

“10s4life;c-22792890”]@sdmom22 … For CC its not that there is risk, its that its not allowed at all. They can enroll in CC the summer after freshman year though.


Where is this information come from? My DD is enrolled in a CC class this term and she plans to enroll again this summer. Thanks

@“Evelyn SD” Here is the link: http://www.admission.ucla.edu/transfer_credit/trcrss.htm
She can after she becomes a ucla student. The reason why is a freshman admit in the eyes of a UC is someone who has not enrolled in a 2 or 4 year university between graduating high school and starting at any UC campus. She can do CC now because that is classified as dual enrollment while a high school student. Hope this helps.

@10s4life is there any way to change the pre-major you were admitted for for L&S? I applied and was admitted for pre-global studies but since have decided that political science would be a better fit for me. Reason I ask is because I’ve seen your previous posts saying that orientation groups would be based on the pre-major you were admitted under

@griffen14 You can swap at orientation. The difference between global studies and political sci is pretty negligible for orientation purposes. You’ll most likely take 2 GE’s and an english class. Maybe one of those would be for your pre major. L&S is very GE heavy so you’ll mainly do that first year. Your NSA can help you even if you’re in a “poli sci group”. Also for general social science majors you were kind of all mixed around for the most part. Specialized “major only groups” are mainly for high unit majors like engineering.

During campus tours at a few UC’s, all tour guides (current students) and admission officers said many students change or declare major different than original intent, at end of sophomore year. My son was admitted pre-Econ and won’t be surprised if he change it.

@10s4life re:\ the CC question the link says you can take CC colleges after freshman year but it does not say you are not allowed to take classes before you start.

I called UCLA admissions last week and they said you can take CC summer school before you enter - but you cannot take in the fall while you are a UCLA student.

What happens if my student takes a CC class - would he be denied UCLA enrollment or just not get UCLA credit (he’s taking class pass/fail just for learning/reinforcing so not looking for credit anyway)

@sdmom22 Hmmm if admissions says it’s ok then it must. It’s def a change from what I previously knew. Maybe call the registrar for final confirmation.

registrar confirmed that taking cc class during summer is fine.

When do people that got off the waitlist about a week or so ago get the UCLA info package on the mail?

@DaniM7 packets aren’t coming this year to WL students due to covid (I asked when I’m phone with admissions about CC question). They said no one on campus to mail ?

If I got a 2 on one of my AP tests last year(and did not report it on my application bc I thought it was irrelevant), will my admission be rescinded once UCLA sees my official AP score report? And the same goes for if I do poorly on one of my tests this year, will it affect my admission? Or will they just not it take in place of credits?

@ryebread01 Youre fine. AP exams don’t matter for admission.

@10s4life okay great thank you!


Hello fellow UCLA people. I was admitted for this year’s class and for all of you already admitted, be advised, scam phishing emails are being sent out. I received 2 in the last 2 days (see below) so be warned that if you happen to receive any strange emails like these, they are scams. Please report them to security@ucla.edu. It is just so awful that they would already be doing this and to new students.

Hi Student,

I am Dr (-----------), I feel comfortable discussing this WORK- STUDY opening with you since you were referred by the university chamber of commerce. I am very busy that is why i have asked for your help as my temporary personal assistant. I provide individual and group therapy, coaching, assessment and many University of students with academic difficulties and no prior diagnosis are seen and assessed through the academic screening and assessment process.
You have received this email because you have an offer from the University Office to help Students with Disabilities to work with me while we help Students with disabilities frustrated with ignorance and lack of services but as my temporary personal assistant
This is a very simple employment, You will only help me Mail letters, Make payments at retail stores and purchase some Items when needed. This employment only takes an hour a day and 3 times a week for $1,150 weekly. I am unable to meetup for an interview because I am currently away and helping the disabled students in Australia.
You will be paid in advance for all tasks and purchased to be done on my behalf and some of my personal letters and mails will be forwarded to your residence or nearby post office for you to pick up at your convenience. Upon my arrival we will discuss the possibility of making this a long-term em ployment if I am impressed with your services while I am away. My arrival is scheduled 28 of june 20/20.
Please email your Full name, Residential Address to receive packages, Alternate email (different from school email) and Cell # to email below:-

Dr -------------- :- CONTACT ME BACK AT ---------------@gmail.com

Clinical Counselor
Disability Resources and Educational Services(DRES)

      You are required to fill the below details

Full Name:
Full address:
Zip code:
Mobile Phone number:
Alternative email (different from school email):
Await to read from you soon.

Warmest regards

Example 2:
Hi Student,
I am Dr. John B. Hanks, I feel comfortable discussing this WORK- STUDY opening with you since you were referred by the university chamber of commerce. I am very busy that is why i have asked for your help as my temporary personal assistant. I provide individual and group therapy, coaching, assessment and many University of students with academic difficulties and no prior diagnosis are seen and assessed through the academic screening and assessment process.
You have received this email because you have an offer from the University Office to help Students with Disabilities to work with me while we help Students with disabilities frustrated with ignorance and lack of services but as my temporary personal assistant
This is a very simple employment, You will only help me Mail letters, Make payments at retail stores and purchase some Items when needed. This employment only takes an hour a day and 3 times a week for $450 weekly. I am unable to meetup for an interview because I am currently away and helping the disabled students in Australia.
All assignment will be done from home Remotely due to high increase of the virus ?? around. Will keep you inform with details instructions.
You will be paid in advance for all tasks and purchased to be done on my behalf and some of my personal letters and mails will be forwarded to your residence or nearby post office for you to pick up at your convenience. Upon my arrival we will discuss the possibility of making this a long-term employment if I am impressed with your services while I am away. My arrival is scheduled for the last week of May 2020.
Please email your Full name, Residential Address to receive packages, Alternate email (different from school email) and Cell # to email below:- johnhanks2499@gmail.com

Clinical Counselor
Disability Resources and Educational Services(DRES)

      You are required to fill the below details

Full Name:
Full address:
Zip code:
Mobile Phone number:
Alternative email (different from school email):
Await to read from you soon.

Warmest regards

Hello fellow UCLA people. I was admitted for this year’s class and for all of you already admitted, be advised, scam phishing emails are being sent out. I received 2 in the last 2 days (see below) so be warned that if you happen to receive any strange emails like these, they are scams. Please report them to security@ucla.edu. It is just so awful that they would already be doing this and to new students.

Hi Student,

I am Dr (-----------), I feel comfortable discussing this WORK- STUDY opening with you since you were referred by the university chamber of commerce. I am very busy that is why i have asked for your help as my temporary personal assistant. I provide individual and group therapy, coaching, assessment and many University of students with academic difficulties and no prior diagnosis are seen and assessed through the academic screening and assessment process.
You have received this email because you have an offer from the University Office to help Students with Disabilities to work with me while we help Students with disabilities frustrated with ignorance and lack of services but as my temporary personal assistant
This is a very simple employment, You will only help me Mail letters, Make payments at retail stores and purchase some Items when needed. This employment only takes an hour a day and 3 times a week for $1,150 weekly. I am unable to meetup for an interview because I am currently away and helping the disabled students in Australia.
You will be paid in advance for all tasks and purchased to be done on my behalf and some of my personal letters and mails will be forwarded to your residence or nearby post office for you to pick up at your convenience. Upon my arrival we will discuss the possibility of making this a long-term em ployment if I am impressed with your services while I am away. My arrival is scheduled 28 of june 20/20.
Please email your Full name, Residential Address to receive packages, Alternate email (different from school email) and Cell # to email below:-

Dr -------------- :- CONTACT ME BACK AT ---------------@gmail.com

Clinical Counselor
Disability Resources and Educational Services(DRES)

      You are required to fill the below details

Full Name:
Full address:
Zip code:
Mobile Phone number:
Alternative email (different from school email):
Await to read from you soon.

Warmest regards

Example 2:
Hi Student,
I am Dr. John B. Hanks, I feel comfortable discussing this WORK- STUDY opening with you since you were referred by the university chamber of commerce. I am very busy that is why i have asked for your help as my temporary personal assistant. I provide individual and group therapy, coaching, assessment and many University of students with academic difficulties and no prior diagnosis are seen and assessed through the academic screening and assessment process.
You have received this email because you have an offer from the University Office to help Students with Disabilities to work with me while we help Students with disabilities frustrated with ignorance and lack of services but as my temporary personal assistant
This is a very simple employment, You will only help me Mail letters, Make payments at retail stores and purchase some Items when needed. This employment only takes an hour a day and 3 times a week for $450 weekly. I am unable to meetup for an interview because I am currently away and helping the disabled students in Australia.
All assignment will be done from home Remotely due to high increase of the virus ?? around. Will keep you inform with details instructions.
You will be paid in advance for all tasks and purchased to be done on my behalf and some of my personal letters and mails will be forwarded to your residence or nearby post office for you to pick up at your convenience. Upon my arrival we will discuss the possibility of making this a long-term employment if I am impressed with your services while I am away. My arrival is scheduled for the last week of May 2020.
Please email your Full name, Residential Address to receive packages, Alternate email (different from school email) and Cell # to email below:- johnhanks2499@gmail.com

Clinical Counselor
Disability Resources and Educational Services(DRES)

      You are required to fill the below details

Full Name:
Full address:
Zip code:
Mobile Phone number:
Alternative email (different from school email):
Await to read from you soon.

Warmest regards

@SD20020 Haha get used to those. We get those emails at least every week. They aren’t connected to ucla at all so no use reporting them to ucla. That would only work if they originated from ucla but they don’t. Just delete and move on.