UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

So could anybody explain to me about parking permits for freshman? I am currently an incoming freshman and I want to at least know my chances on getting one. If chances are slim, does anybody know an alternative for me? (I rly want to bring my car)

@maybenotjohn You won’t get one. But you can try parking on the street. Gl with Friday morning street cleaning though. Only exceptions are family reasons, a job, or medical. It’s cheaper to take the blue bus (Santa Monica is a 50 cent ride) or uber.

@maybenotjoin, there are some off campus (non-UCLA) apartment building garages that rent spots monthly.

In the past, they have not been cheap - like $175-$200 a month for a single spot, maybe $100-$125 for a tandem, but then you would have to figure out a way to coordinate with the other person to get your car. Maybe they will more plentiful or less expensive due to fewer students living in the area for a while?

Hi everyone. I recently admitted to UCLA Chemistry major. I am transferring from a community college. My current GPA is about 3.6 . This is my last semester at college. I am extremely nervous right now because I think I am going to have a C in a preparatory class this semester. According to my contract that I have to report a change if I have any C (my first C) grades in major preparatory classes… I would like to seek some thoughts. Is there any chance my admission will be rescinded? :frowning: Thank you a lot for your help.

@Kaylapham I would check the uc transfer forums. Most of the content here is freshman oriented. I know it depends for freshman with the Cs but it’s a much bigger deal for transfers.

Hey to those who got off the waitlist on may 16th, can you apply for housing yet because i cant and im stressed out about it. Thanks for the responses.

Hello everyone - just wondering if there is any discussion/plan to adjust UC school fees with remote learning? If students are not in campus, should they be charged with use of facilities (gym, etc) and other fees that assume in-campus presence? Thanks!

Disclosure: my d is in class 2023 class but was advised to post this comment here.

@D4Mom Do you receive the Chancellor’s messages? This was sent out last month.



Yes, I now remember reading that notice. However, I am wondering if current and incoming families should ask reconsideration of fee adjustment. We are all suffering from this pandemic, not just the UC system.

@D4Mom The UC President announced all campuses will be open for fall so I doubt any kind of fee adjustment will happen. Workers are still maintaining facilities and the fees you pay are a small part of the actual “tuition”. I could see things like Bruin Bash being axed so that could be a fee adjustment. I think it’s only around $5 though.


Thank you. You raised valid points.

As for campuses opening this fall, I understand that instruction will be a hybrid system - remote and in-class. True, workers are still maintaining facilities but I presume maintenance is not as rigorous in current situation as compared to students being in campus and using facilities. With the hybrid system, maintenance of facilities might not cost as much as compared to the previous normal situation.

Everyone is negatively impacted, but not everyone gets financial aid with various factors involved. The process of granting aids can definitely be improved. I am just wondering if UC system can help in any way especially middle income families who are typically left struggling as they are “too rich” to get aid.

Just airing my thoughts (which I admit might be wrong). Thanks!

@D4Mom def valid points! Hopefully UCLA with their massive $5B+ endowment can find a way to help everyone!

I think costs to bring students back on campus will be more expensive than it was before. They have to install hand washing stations, plexiglass, etc. They will spend much more on cleaners/disinfectants and need to hire many more people to be able to sanitize the campus frequently. They need to purchase and provide PPE as well as testing.

In this article, you can read why the CSU system decided that they could not afford to bring students back to campus in the fall. https://www.npr.org/2020/05/22/858601308/for-in-person-college-coronavirus-testing-will-be-key-but-is-that-feasible

I got off the waitlist on May 2nd but haven’t received an official acceptance package in the mail. Is anybody else in the same boat? My parents just wanted to keep it for documenting purposes. Should I reach out to the admissions office about it?

@legendary824 They aren’t giving them to waitlisted admits this year because no one is on campus to make them

Ah, I see. Thank you!

hii everyone!

// tl;dr i’m stressed about reporting that i dropped a class first semester and will be dropping the same class this semester and would appreciate any advice. would it be beneficial if i took an equivalent class at a cc? //

i’ve been stressing out about reporting that i dropped / am dropping a class. (+ how it would affect my admission)

the class is an online spanish 3 class. since it is an online class, i have to complete 100% of the assignments to get a grade and for it to appear on my transcript.

it is not an a-g requirement for as. i’ve already fulfilled foreign language requirement by taking spanish 1 & 2.

i dropped this class first semester towards the end of semester (after i already listed it as one of the courses i was taking on my college applications). the reason i dropped it was bc at first i put off completing the assignments as i was juggling everything else (other classes, extracurriculars, research paper, college apps + some personal stuff) and [i was actually dropped from the class bc i think the person who monitored our progress saw i was too behind]. in all honesty, i think i took on too much on myself by taking that class, and first semester overall negatively affected my mental health,

i wasn’t sure and was confused about when i was supposed to report that to the colleges i applied to. also, i reported this change to the college i committed to on the supplemental application i got. (so idk, they saw it when they were deciding whether to accept me or not, ?)

i thought i would be able to complete this course this semester but, covid-19 rolled around, and it had negative impact (i know everyone was affected by it), which kind of messed me up for some time, and i got behind in that class, so i realized i may not be able to finish all of the assignments and would be dropped from it.

i called the admissions office the other day, and the person i talked to said i’m low risk for this semester’s class; at the end, i also asked abt first semester’s class, and he said i was supposed to report it before the decisions came out (which i didn’t know at the time but i did report on my supplemental application). [he didn’t say i’m not low risk for last semester, he just said i was supposed to report it earlier but idk what this means for me,]

other than this class, i had straight a’s / 4.0 first semester, and, currently, i also have straight a’s in all of my other classes.

would it be better for my case if i take an equivalent spanish class at a cc over the summer to make up for the class i dropped? where would i report that / tell them abt it?

i would appreciate if you have any advice about how to approach this.

luckily i got it down to 2 C’s.

Im from a private school and we’re not doing PASS or FAIL grades this term. I received a C in Calc last semester and I’m on track for receiving another C or B for this quarter. I just want to know will I get rescinded for getting a C and should I report it?

I guess for the above 3 posters, report everything. Reporting early is the best way to mitigate any negative consequences. Other than that it’s all up to the AOs when they evaluate your other grades relative to what they admitted you on.