UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

@curiousoc Its because freshman are already home so theoretically by not having housing for most freshman, they are to remain at home. For current students many are counting on the housing since they are already down here. Also current students signed housing contracts for dorms in winter quarter.

If you fill out the survey, you are eligible for housing this year if things open up, per the letter sent out:

“If you do not respond to the survey by the deadline, it will be taken to mean that you are no longer interested in housing for the 2020-21 academic year, and your application will be canceled. You will retain eligibility for the 2021-22 academic year, but you will not be eligible for any future housing offers for this academic year.”

I think that can be read a couple of different ways. To me it reads that you will only get housing for the coming academic year if you receive an offer in one of the rounds, or if you receive an offer from the waiting list. But they say elsewhere that final decisions will be made by 6/29. I do not get the impression that these offers and lists will be used all year.

@grapegrape, I just read that Non-Resident Meal Plans will not be offered for Fall 2020. I guess this is a change due to CoVid-19.


(If link does not attach, search for “Non-Resident Meal Plan” from the Ask Housing link on the UCLA Housing website.

ah ty! ig ill just have to hope for second wave. if i don’t get a housing offer, does that mean that i won’t get a housing offer all year? or is there a chance for winter quarter. also, does anyone have any advice on whether labs have remote research positions/getting involved in ucla at a distance overall?

@Rosesarered13 - Perhaps you should call housing to verify. My interpretation is different. I believe the 6/29 deadline is for fall. Winter and spring are too far away for them to know what local health officials will allow. Considering they are losing money by not being able to cram 3 to a room, I believe once they get clearance, those that filled out the survey and were denied in fall would be offered housing first.

On a different topic, I read a post on Reddit from an international student that is withdrawing from UCLA after accepting because his/her family is not only concerned abt the virus but now concerned abt the riots and civil unrest in the US. Another international student commented on the post that they are in the same position and considering withdrawing as well.

This is a sad state of affairs that will affect campuses throughout the US and my heart goes out to the international students that worked hard to get accepted and now feel it is unsafe. I hope admissions will reach out to these students/families in an effort to ease their concerns. One of the many reasons we love UCLA is that it is a diverse community and draws high achieving students from all over the world.

If it makes anyone feel safer, ucla had an on campus protest this quarter. It was peaceful and in no way was it anywhere close to “unrestful”.

I’d be more worried that the US is about to restrict entry by holders of non-resident visas, including those that are based on existing employment for people who are currently outside the US. As a result, I’m doubtful that international students will even be able to enter the US this summer.

@10s4life - I’m not surprised. UCLA is a safe campus and the kids are respectful which is why I hope admissions will reach out to any internationals that withdraw in hopes to ease concerns. (If that is the reason.) It’s just sad that recent events in our country seem to be spooking some.

@Twoin18 - The visa issue is certainly a huge issue as well but I believe with online options available, some students are willing to spend a quarter (or year) online, knowing they have 3 more years to attend.

Anyone know when the 2nd round of housing offers will come out?
Or when the deadline is for the ppl who recieved housing offers from the 1st round to accept the housing offer is?

Does anyone know when students have to arrive on campus if they have housing? The quarter starts Mon Sep 28. Last year, they had move in on the Thu, Fri and Sat before classes started. Will it be the same this year, or will students need to arrive earlier for a period of isolation? Thanks.

@Gaucho100 Until you hear from ucla officially, no one knows what the move in plan will be.

Hello all. Being OOS, my son has been lucky enough to be included in the first round of housing offers. We are trying to decide between singles in the Classic or Deluxe. My son is tending towards Classic since he thinks there won’t be sufficient numbers of freshman in the Deluxe buildings. Is that still true @10s4life? Thx.

@2024CuriousDad Yeah that is. Since it’ll be a small amount of people on the hill as is, the classics will be the way to go to at least live with freshman.


@10s4life My OOS daughter is leaning towards doubles. Choices are:

  1. Residential Suites & Residential Plazas - Shared bathroom per two rooms (Hitch, Hedrick Summit, Rieber Terrace, Rieber Vista, Saxon, and Sunset Village)
  2. Residential Plazas - Private bathroom each room (De Neve Plaza, Rieber Terrace, Rieber Vista, and Sunset Village)

Again, being with more freshman would be better. Any thoughts on what would be the best choices?

Thanks for all your help.

@10s4life Thank you so much for all the great information about UCLA. My son got admitted to CS as a freshman this year and we are very excited for him. I have a few questions about course selection.

  1. My son has taken a good number of APs and Post AP courses at his high school and got an A+ in all of them. For example, he took Post AP: Differential Equations Post AP: Multivariate Calculus Capstone Post AP: Linear Algebra Will he get credit for the Post AP Multivariate Calculus (which is what Math 32 A covers)? I know that UCLA gives credit for post-AP Community college courses.

@Gaucho100 Normally I would advocate for plazas over suites but depending on how they actually do housing I would Rec a suite over a plaza.

Plazas with shared bathrooms if a double would have 4 people total in the “area”. So you’d be getting to live with at least 3 other people. If the communal lounges are open do the shares bath double plaza.

It’ll be closest to a classic. Most likely to have e most freshman.

Suites if I remember are 3 rooms. Might be 2 in that case it’s the same as a plaza but with the living room. Since there’s limited social stuff on the hill having the living room could be a plus. It’s likely though there aren’t many freshman. If there are no lounges open in plazas do the double suite.

Do the private bath plaza last. It’ll be the least social of the options.

@uclacs2024 Congrats to your son. If those classes are dual enrollment from CC then yes they will count as long as he got a C- or higher. Assist.org will be a good place to check course equivalency. If the Multivariable calc covered stokes and divergence theorems and triple integration then it will cover math 32a and 32b. Hope this helps