UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

@10s4life Thank you for your reply. He took these courses at his high school and they are not affiliated to any cc but they did cover Stokes Theorem, Divergence Theorem, and Triple integration. Is there a way to prove equivalency with Math 32 A, Math 32 B, and Math 33 A outside of Assist.org?

@10s4life - Would you happen to know much abt CSI? I’ve read in the past it was great for incoming freshmen to get a feel for campus life. My older D didn’t do it but my younger one is thinking of signing up and taking math 31a and a GE (sociology), plus the added 2 unit Unv class. Wondering if the two classes will be too much in 6wks and whether or not it is worthwhile without the added campus experience?

@uclacs2024 Yes his syllabus should do the trick when he goes to virtual orientation this summer.

@gratefulmama Tbh Ive talked to a few admin counselors and they feel the same too, personally CSI and FSP are kind of a waste of money. Especially since it won’t be the normal “summer” sessions that happened in the past. Idk if CSI is in person but C session and A session are online this year. Almost all majors (except for engineering) are extremely short and it’s easy to graduate early without summer classes at all. I would only go if your daughter is really bored this summer or maybe wants a chance to make some early friends. Personally I’d rather spend the time with friends back home before the next 4 years kicks off. If she does do it those classes are pretty easy for 6 weeks.

@Gaucho100, @10s4life — since all old housing contracts were unfortunately voided and things are starting up with a clean slate, do you think that 2nd years and up will get preference for certain accommodation types? My son’s ideal preference would be to have room-mates (he had originally signed up for a triple Plaza), but we are leaning towards a single, purely due to risk averse reasons. And within the single choices, we are thinking about Deluxe purely because of AC :slight_smile: In any event, kids are going into isolation shock and will absolutely welcome getting to campus asap :slight_smile:

@2024CuriousDad Im almost certain that preference will go to older classes. If you and your son are ok with the risks of having roomates I think it’ll make for a much better experience. Having a single is pretty lonely imo. Especially since a lot of the social interactions are gonna be within the dorms. The deluxes tend to attract the quieter kids for sure. They’re also more studios because regents scholars still get precedence during the pandemic and pretty much scoop up Deluxes.

@10s4life - Thank you! I tend to feel the same from everything I’ve read. Unfortunately she is already feeling bored. This is an usual summer, limited opportunities to spend time with friends or get a job. In that way, I think taking a class or two would be good for her. I just wonder if it will be stressful to take math & GE in 6wks.

@10s4life Thanks so much for the great details as always. This really helps.

@10s4life My son did not mention that he was interested in undergrad research in the pre-orientation survey as he thinks he should first take a class with a professor before deciding if he wants to do research with them. Is it possible for him to indicate his interest in research during orientation or will he be paired with advisors based on his survey responses?

@uclacs2024 Students are paired to NSAs based on major for engineering or in L&S, academic division. The survey is just so the NSA can get to know the students more. He will have a chance to talk about research with the NSA then.

@10s4life My son was blocked from enrolling in a computer science class that requires Math 31A. He had AP Calculus AB (score 5) credit that allowed him to complete Math 31B and subsequent math courses required for his Computer Science degree. We were puzzled about it until we realized that he got L&S credit but not School of Engineering credit for his diploma year. Since the computer science class is in Engineering, I believe that is why he was blocked.

I see that for the 2024 class, the School of Engineering is now giving AP Calculus AB credit for Math 31A for incoming students. Is there some way he can switch to the new diploma requirements? He is a senior with two quarters left.

@10s4life Correction to above: I think the information I saw may have been for the class of 2023, and it didn’t say a 5 on AP Calculus AB gives credit for Math 31A, it just said you could choose to start with Math 31B if you wanted to. I am not sure when that choice went into effect. Maybe it was in effect in 2017 when my son started. Do changes in AP credit affect all current students or are they tied to your catalog year? Can skipping Math 31A make one ineligible for courses that have it as a requisite, or is that just a computer glitch?

@BunnyBlue Sending you a PM

No spots left at New student orientation!! What should I do?

@10s4life ^

@BunnyBlue @samayaj For some reason this is always an issue every year because I think they always have less spots than the incoming class since it’s not mandatory and there are students that don’t attend because ucla charges a lot for orientation. Since it’s virtual this year I don’t know if they’re charging or not. If they aren’t I can see more people going which is why there may be a bigger shortage of spots. I would contact someone from the new student transition team. Orientation contact info can be found at the new student orientation website. Or I would contact admissions. They might have a makeup session otherwise I’m not sure what they would do exactly.

Has anyone been able to see their AP scores in their MyUCLA portal? I heard that some students at other colleges have been able to see their scores early if they sent the free score report.


Not yet. However, I have heard from my friend who is heading to UC Riverside next year that his scores became available on his portal today so I am hoping that UCLA will upload them before the July 15th date. Fingers Crossed!

AP scores are out for some students now!

Hi @10s4life I have a few questions about LLCs(Living Learning Communities) and Clusters:

  1. How do LLCs work especially Technology & Innovation Living Learning Community?
  2. We got an email saying - “Technology & Innovation LLC has been paired with the GE Cluster/s, Cluster M71: Biotechnology and Society.” My son is an incoming CS major with an interest in Mathematics and Physics. On what basis do UCLA pair LLCs and GE clusters and what does it mean for students entering the school of Engineering as a CS major to be put in the M71 cluster?
  3. I’m a bit confused by the following line in the email and would like to get your perspective on whether he should mention Cluster M71 at new student orientation or not:

“At your New Student Orientation, let your New Student Advisor know that you are in an LLC and want to enroll in Cluster M71: Biotechnology and Society.
Do note that if you are not in the College of Letters and Science, a GE Cluster may not be the right fit for your schedule. If that’s the case, no worries. There will be other ways for you to engage.”