UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

@glasscastle13 depends on what major got off waitlist ,may be the first two waves was from L&S school nothing yet for in state engineering .
but i read in this chain some where they said they will notify you either way about your wailist

Did anyone get off for Human biology? Is that a popular major?
I keep thinking that maybe if I put a major where there wasnā€™t a lot of competition then maybe I would have gotten in? Sorry Iā€™m just ranting at this point

@strawtree: One posted acceptance for Human Biology on May 14th. Use the magnifying glass on the upper or lower right of this discussion, type in a key word and it will search throughout this discussion for any posts.

@strawtree All letters and science majors are admitted without regards to major. You have to actually declare your major after you finish pre reqs which is normally second or third year. So the chances of admission are the same if you were math, english, bio, etc. Only people admitted to their major are non L&S applicants. The ā€œpre majorā€ admission is only so you know what classes to take to eventually declare that major. I guess the only questions to ask are did any L&S students get off the waitlist and so on for the professional schools.

I pretty much lost some hope because my friend already got off the waitlist on May 1st and weā€™re from the same school. Time is running out since they said they would let us all know before the end of the month but hereā€™s me hoping still ??

@10s4life That makes so much more sense thank u!

are the chances of getting off the waitlist for CoE very slim by now?


do they really notify by end of June for freshman instate? especially computer science any idea if this happened in previous years
that what it says on website.

@Sonia2020 it has to be before June 1stā€¦because after that is transfer waitlist/appeal decisions

We are both from L&S, she was likely in one of the first in state waves for L&S.

any luck left for engineering out of state?

Has anyone received a rejection letter from the waitlist? I am international and just want them to notify me cause Iā€™m tired of waiting.

I donā€™t think so

so far we had only two waves one end of April and may 1st or 2nd.
Nothing after that? correct me if am wrong.
still waiting for instate CS major.
will they notify all freshman by June 1st,

Iā€™m p sure there were two waves before May 1st for out of state/international kids. Also there were definitely more than just two waves.

Guy apparently someone on Reddit said that they contacted an AO and that they said that all waitlist decisions will be out by the end of May

Weā€™ve got a few more days??

@strawtree tbh I doubt it, I emailed an AO about a week ago and he told me that there isnā€™t a date by which waitlist decisions come out. I expect UCLA to do as GT is doing rn hang on to the waitlist till late june.

I hope thatā€™s the case @livingonhope (love the name lol) because if its the end of this month then I think that would mean rejections for all of us