UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

In the past there have been releases on Saturday.

Last year freshman got off at the latest June 4th - is that a possibility we have?

lol this makes me feel better just a bit

@strawtree weren’t those rejections though?

I looked at last year’s waitlist thread and someone said that they got on June 4th. On the waitlist FAQ for UCLA, they said that waitlist will keep going from May 1st to the summer but apparently last year near June 1st the FAQ said that waitlist decisions were made final and are made on a rolling basis. But someone on Reddit said that they contacted an AO and they said that all decisions will come no later than the end of May. The Facebook group looks closely full even though its made up of people not attending UCLA/older students but I feel that representation is pretty accurate considering the addition/subtraction of all of those factors. I don’t know if I should feel hopeful or if its the end but I’m actually getting depressed/anxious :frowning:

do you think they would let us know either way for freshman waitlist?

@Sonia2020 they will definitely let you know of your final status of admission whether it’s an acceptance or a rejection

Not sure how much COVID 19 has changed the yield but is it likely they will extend that June 1st if that is the final deadline? Sigh I hope the best of all of you guys, the wait is tough

Hey guys! I thought I’d post a kinda cumulative review of everything about this waitlist just so the waitlist class of 2024 hopefully doesn’t have to go through 106+ pages to find out information.
First and foremost, where you go to college does not define you! Honestly, I know this saying gets kinda repetitive but it’s not where you go to college, it’s what you make of it that matters! The work and things you achieved in high school are absolutely not invalidated in any way because you got waitlisted or didn’t get into a certain school.

-Everything about this year should be taken with a grain of salt, especially because yields may have been higher or lower (no one really knows) because of the virus
-It’s really hard to predict when everything will come out and it seems to be pretty random, so don’t try to stress over when things will get released!
-All of this may not be completely accurate, as all of this was based on this thread and obviously everyone didn’t report when they got off the waitlist. The waves after the 5th of May definitely could be inaccurate as sometimes only a couple people reported getting off on some of those dates

Okay, here’s a couple of things to keep in mind:
-UCLA waitlist does not admit people of the waitlist based on majors for Letters and Science (so just because a couple of people in the history major got off the waitlist in a wave does not mean you have a worse chance getting off the waitlist because you are a history major). However, the Samueli School does admit based on major.
-Samueli School seems to have increasingly higher yields and thus has to rely less heavily on their waitlist and also seems to be pretty random when they admit people off the waitlist (so just because I didn’t include it in the date bellow doesn’t mean people weren’t admitted off that day)
-The additional info box they have when you agree to be on the waitlist is important! That and your original application are reviewed again. Some common answers of that people write who have gotten off the waitlist are their senior year grades, what they’ve done during their senior year (awards, extracurriculars, something they’re passionate about), follow-ups on stuff they put into their application, and why they want to go to UCLA. But be creative!

Important Dates/Waves:
-March 20th: UCLA releases decisions, around 5 PST
-April 15th: Deadline to accept waitlist spot and submit any information in additional infobox
-April 28th, Tuesday: 1st wave, all OOS and international, seemed to be all LS
-April 30th, Thursday: 2nd wave, OOS, seemed to be LS
-May 1st, Friday: 3rd wave, IS, LS
-May 2nd, Saturday: 4th wave, IS and OOS, LS
-May 5th, Tuesday: IS and OOS, LS, and Samueli
-May 7th, Thursday: unsure, not many people got off
-May 8th, Friday: small number, only one OOS person reported getting off
-May 11th, Monday: small number, only one OOS individual reported getting off
-May 14th, Thursday: OOS and international, seems to be LS
-May 16th, Saturday: IS, LS
-May 20th, Wednesday: OOS

Info about waitlist release:
-Students either received an email saying there was an update to their application or received a PAL (basically financial aid letter) congratulating them on their acceptance (status update email followed)
-Decisions usually got released around 8:30 PST, give or take 30 minutes

I think that’s it. This thread kept me sane, but please please please try not to get too invested in the waitlist and where you’re going to college (unless you want to). I hope all of this is accurate :slight_smile:

@e6leanor6e wow! this is actually really helpful as it’s organized and up to date. Thank you for posting this! :slight_smile:


Thank you for this !

I noticed that the waves for IS L&S tend to be two weeks apart so with that information we can expect a wave tomorrow or Sunday let’s hope for the best everyone !

Miracles happen in June! Hopefully, we will see something in both L&S and HSSEAS very soon.

Is there an inkling that we might get something on June 1st?

bruh they better release something today IM TIRED

I find it very irresponsible for UCLA not to give information and keep stressed young people checking every day.
They should inform them of the dates in which they are going to release students from the waiting list and if they are no longer accepting any specialty, send them an email or inform them in this way, so they do not continue with false hope and focus on the other universities that They have already been accepted, they are still the same or better, my son was accepted in the UCI, UCSB, UCSD, CAL, NWY, CHICAGO, BOSTON, among others and he is clinging to this is the only one that left him on the waiting list, USC I reject it and I do not care, this that it has been on the waiting list is the worst thing that could have happened, I do not know if the other universities work the same with the waiting list, but it is somewhat sick.

GPA 4.33
SAT 1240
ACT 30
9 AP
4 HC

It seems that this does not matter, nor the effort he made to graduate, as a Valedictorian and being part of the 15 best of his generation.

Congrats to your son. I hope he is thrilled and proud of his accomplishments. He will be successful at any school he chooses.

What school is he currently committed to?

Unfortunately, it is human nature to want something we cannot have. If it wasn’t this waitlist, it would be something else.

@Cibaez You appear to be blowing off lots of steam, and that is understandable as we parents want our kids to be happy, but you are way out of line with calling UCLA “irresponsible” and “sick” because your son has opted to remain on the wait list. Applicants who do not receive an offer of admission are perfectly free to take that as a denial and move on with the schools that extended offers. There are kids on CC who have no offers because they received no guidance on the application process, or who do not have the financial resources to actually attend the schools where they got offers. If your son has offers and they are financially viable then please feel a bit more satisfied.

PLEASE, if your son is holding open his spots at all 4 UCs that accepted him while waiting to hear from UCLA, he (and you) are part of the problem and really should not complain.

I do understand that it may have sounded a bit aggressive. It is because I feel bad that my son is constantly checking his email, wondering if it will come in. Again, UCLA is a very competitive school. Also, my son has not taken all the places. He already accepted Cal in early April, but he hopes to be accepted by UCLA. Also English is not my first language, that’s why I don’t express myself correctly