UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

I wish I could receive an answer soon honestly. The wait is the worse part.

nothing yet for any one here?


@seylin4 Providing stats after the fact may not help. Praying might.

I think itā€™s over guys - we didnā€™t even have a wave in the end of May. Last year the last acceptance came in during June 4th and we are way passed thatā€¦

even if it is over they still have to send out the communication email to all of them who are on waitlist right?
do they have dead line on dates when they will send these out.
or dead lines are only for us : )

i sent them an email and they replied on june 5th saying ā€œwe currently do not have a firm deadline for when the waitlist process will be concludedā€œ

@strawtree this is a unique year and thus we really cannot compare it with previous years. So we actually donā€™t know.

It really bothers me that Samueli has only accepted certain majors off the waitlist. I sometimes get the feeling that they might choose a few from my major but other times I think that they simply have enough students.

@Livingonhope could i ask whatā€™s your major.
Iam still hoping we will have a miracle for comp sc this year

Iā€™m thinking what they are doing is that they are keeping us on the waitlist just in case internationals or out of states ppl have restrictions for traveling places by the govt. Also if they know that they want to make their curriculum online for the entire year ppl might drop out. I know a lot of privates are using their waitlists a lot more often now so maybe if ppl get into another school they were waitlisted out then that might open spots up. But Iā€™m thinking for the most part the class has been full. This same patter is what Cal is doing as well but they just didnā€™t call their process rolling but rather extended

But if u guys were wondering someone on Reddit got off the waitlist for English 3 days ago


thatā€™s a pretty long timeā€¦

Yes they have to notify us, however it is on a rolling basis so we donā€™t really know what our deadline is; we just have to wait and keep checking our portal and email until something from the admin is sent to us. Which is pretty irritating.

What major are you? @Livingonhope

@Sonia2020 @schasky My major is mechanical engineering and I dont believe any have gotten of the waitlist

Son got off waitlist May 23 for Aerospace, post #2031. Contact your AO with any updatesā€¦ once they firm up fall housing and online status vs hybrid and announce this there may be people opting out and deciding to wait a year.
Best of luck!

@PattiEnce what does AO stand for?

I think AO-Admission Officer
but are we assigned to one? how do e know who is our AO