UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

I was put on the waitlist April 4, and last Friday, June 12 I got admitted. I’m also a transfer student.

@dorejel I think freshman and transfer students waitlists are different.

@dorejel The UC transfer forum prob has threads for the transfer waitlist. This one is for freshman/the ucla forum in general is freshman oriented. The waitlists are completely separate.

We haven’t heard anything about an incoming freshman getting off the waitlist even after they made changes to their plans…UCLA folks got their housing info back on whether they will stay on campus or not so I think this is it guys ahhhh :frowning:
This has emotionally, mentally drained me too too much

Apparently someone got off waitlist for Chem Engineering couple days ago. Saw the post in UCLA 2024 FB group.

Remember some people don’t post in that group right away after getting off the waitlist.

@strawtree Remember that there are probably Freshmen out there who have gotten accepted but did not post about it on this chat or other social media platforms.

True true I guess

a lot of people did not get housing at ucla so their only option is to get an apartment or stay home… as a result many ppl are gonna drop their admission - go to cc or take a gap year. this means they’ll be back on the waitlist by the end of this month… they had all the people who qualified for housing answer yes or no if they wanted housing so im guessing soon enough they’ll use the waitlist

June 24th is when the housing questions are due so just hold on guys… come of you are gonna get off cause ppl r mad abt not getting housing

and they don’t wanna pay full tuition if they don’t get the experience of staying at ucla

and people don’t like online classes so y’all got dis

@aztecashes Just so you know, UCLA only offers gap years to students who join the military, are married, or some other (extremely) extenuating circumstance. Additionally, there is also a waitlist for housing this year that I think is very long.

Does anyone have an idea of how many people are on the waitlist for this year?

@akawho19 Well, on the waitlist FAQ they mentioned that 5% of all applicants are offered a place on the waitlist. This year there were about 100k applicants so it would be around 5k however not all have accepted to be on the waitlist. So basically a maximum of 5000 this year.

I think around 3000 or 3500 from the waitlist have been admitted based on the number of people that increased in the Facebook group

If it’s all online, is it possible that could UCLA admit all the waitlisted people? If your waitlisted, doesn’t that mean you’re qualified, but there wasn’t enough space? Online should mean greater capacity?

What about Mechanical Engineering In-State? Anyone?

@Sisternight No because online is only a temp thing. Once in person resumes then the normal capacity remains.

It’s not really going to be temporary. Realistically, it will be online until everyone is vaccinated - which could potentially be a At least year or two.