UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

Near 5000 SIRS seems to be logical for this year. So, there will be a little more than 1000 available sits for waitlisted students. (Not a significant increase in comparison to last year)

I think the number of waitlist spots will me more than 1,000. In 2019, 965 waitlist applicants were offered admission. This year all information coming out of UCs suggest that number of SIR received is down. Most compelling evidence is UCB Chancellor said on April 17, that enrollment is unknown. Contrast that with other Universities that said that enrollment was on track with past years. I think the main question is how big is the waitlist comapred to 2019 waitlist, which was 11,943. Number of available seats not only issue if the waitlist is significantly larger than 2019.

I agree that there is an increase but it is not going to that significant. (Maybe 300-400). Also, based on the threads and reddit there is no evidence that is showing the number of waitlisted applicants is increased by a significant number. Side note: I am the only person in my high school that is waitlisted at UCLA. :smile:

In terms of the number of people waitlisted, I am OOS and I was really surprised to be waitlisted and I know about 5 other people at my school who were WL. Normally only about 1-2 people are on the WL. It’s probably because we’re OOS and they were expecting this but I guess we’ll see.

how about in state waitlists and appeals? any one know when those are going to come out?

Last year the IS came out around May 1. Question for OOS/INTL: Would you accept UCLA if fall is only online? Entire year is online? I was considering BU, but decided against becasue is don’t want to pay full tuition for ZOOM University.

I would gladly accept even if it was online school

Me too. In state applicant here currently committed to Cal but UCLA has been my dream since forever ago. After a string of failures in high school, if I get a rejection from UCLA it will really wrap up my high school career rather nicely :frowning:

Man, I just find it kind of tragic and funny at the same time. My dream school is Cal, but I’m currently waitlisted there and committed to UCLA.

Do you guys think that they look back on your application and your waitlist statement to decide who gets off the waitlist?

I’m OOS and would happily accept, but possibly try to defer.

Hypothetically if they offer deferral and many first-years opt-in for it, does that mean they’ll admit more students off the waitlist to start this Fall or would they not admit to fill those spots and just have an emptier class until January to avoid overflow? Not really sure how deferral works here

@imaxraftrsav1 haha wanna switch places? ? if you’re an asian female who’s in L&S hit me up ? I’d be willing to change my name for the next 4 years to go to UCLA that’s how desperate I am

I’m interested in why cal is your dream school tho. I’m from NorCal and it’s the other way around here because nobody likes the competitive Bay Area culture. We all wanna go to SoCal so bad ?

I’m sure they will review your application again and look at your waitlist statement before making a decision, the big difference now is that there are new factors that come into play such as your financial situation, ethnicity/color and intended major. They may accept some students to meet diversity goals or to increase revenue, it’s hard to predict how they will choose to approach admissions due to COVID so all we can do is sit and wait.

I talked to the UCLA admissions office and they WILL review your original application with the waitlist letter or information that you sent. But other than that, outside information will not be considered. I really do hope we get in. Also for those that do get in, please specify the time you get an email from ucla as well as if you’re in state or out of state or international

Last year the first wave came out on 04/23. Let’s see.

Do you guys think that we might see an OOS wave today? What time last year did they send out the first wave?

@waitlistboy around 9:00 AM, from last year’s thread, and was oos

9:00 AM PST

anyone hear back?