UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

Ok so this isn’t directly related to any of the newer questions y’all have asked, but I did just go back and look at the threads from 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019(I’m procrastinating doing my online work, per usual). We all know that for the Class of 2023 they had multiple admissions dates, one of those being April 23rd around 3 pm EST and then another on April 30th around 12 pm EST(the rest being after May 1st). For the Class of 2022, they didn’t admit anyone(at least on the thread) until early May, because there was a lot of delay in the budget decisions for all UC’s, and the amount of waitlist admissions, and who they admit (IS, OOS, INTL) is based on the budget. For the Class of 2021, the first waitlist admissions I could find were on April 30th, and the same goes for the Class of 2020. The Class of 2019 started getting their waitlist acceptances on May 2nd, and that was around 10:30 am EST.
SO BASICALLY, based on this excessive amount of research into the 5 previous years’ threads, the first waitlist dates tend to be either April 30th or after May 1st. And also the times that they come through are sporadic and don’t seem to have a pattern.

Woah!! This was actually so helpful. And I completely agree because I’ve been surfing through those past year forums and I think it’s pretty clear that there is no consistency between dates and times that waitlist offers are given. Think we all just have to keep our fingers crossed that it’ll be soon.

You would think UCLA would start pulling from their waitlist earlier since a lot of the other UC’s have.

I think it is definitely more likely this year that we will hear sooner. Past years haven’t gone through admissions in the midst of a pandemic… However, it’s impossible to know for sure

OH ALSO I found a couple of people on those previous years’ threads that said that they never got an email notification saying their portal was updated, so we all may just need to check it every once in awhile to see if there are any updates.

All the UCs that are pulling are starting with small pools of just international and OOS students so I assume if UCLA starts, it’ll just be the OOS/International pool and that in-state probably won’t hear back till after May 1.

Has anyone heard anything? I’m OOS and haven’t heard anything back yet.

@badbeech I would assume that Cal/UCLA are having relatively fewer issues with their OOS/International enrollment. Both schools are nationally known as top 20/25 universities, and plenty of kids from all over will find a way to enroll no matter what, cause they really really want to go to UCLA. On the other hand, schools like Davis or Irvine or SB might be finding that out of state kids aren’t as keen on going so far from home for them.

I agree that top three UC’s: CAL,LA and UCSD do not face a significant decrease in their enrollment because they are well known in the country. Still, OOS applicants have a good shot, followed by in state applicants.

As an international student, Cal and LA are regarded as some of the best schools in the US: You tell someone you go to Berkeley or UCLA and you’ll have “made it”, so to speak. UCSD doesn’t really have that kind of name value among people who don’t know much about the US. For that reason, I would be surprised if the international yield to UCLA and Berkeley go way down, though of course it will drop a bit, because a lot of foreign parents will be willing to take the risk to send their kids to UCLA and Berkeley. The other UCs, on the other hand, and they start questioning whether it’s worth it to send their kid abroad for so much money with this level of uncertainty

While I agree that UCB’s and UCLA’s yield won’t be as affected as that of the other UC’s, I think that people are underestimating the economic impact of the pandemic and how it will affect yield. The estimated annual cost to study at UCLA as an international/oos student is of 63k. Before the pandemic, many families with 100K ish incomes could afford to pay full, but now, as unemployment rates and the dollar’s price skyrocketed, many will no longer afford it. To put the effect into perspective I will estimate the costs in Brazilian Real, my country’s currency. Yearly estimated costs when I applied were of 250K BRL, now they are 350K BRL, a 40% increase. While this won’t change my plans personally, it will affect those of many.

We will be seeing many students choosing less prestigious universities over UCLA and UCB because of cost.

Edit: In addition, as we are now in darker financial times, many oos students will be forced to study at their state university because of IS tuition.

UPENN is offering gap year to INTL students. Columbia is going to start in October. The elite schools are all feeling the pinch on enrollment. UC is no different. Enrollment is down to such a level that the elite schools are forced to change. If enrollment were the same elite schools would just do the same as last year.

found an article about Caliboy post above on Penn and gaps for intl!

There’s still a possibility UCLA could release some offers tomorrow! However, I was also curious if anything ever happens on saturdays? Not sure if the office is closed on the weekends. if so, we’d just have to wait until Monday

I was thinking that too! I doubt they’d send anything out over the weekend, if not tomorrow maybe Monday or Tuesday hopefully

I was thinking that too! I doubt they’d send anything out over the weekend, if not tomorrow maybe Monday or Tuesday hopefully

Just read on UCB Waitlist 2024 thread #384 post that UCB notified students that, “2020 Tuition and mandatory fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded in the event instruction occurs remotely for any part of the Academic Year. Mandatory university charges for tuition and student services continue to help cover ongoing operations such as the delivery of instruction and the cost of student services such as registration, financial aid, and remote academic advising…Under normal operations, all new students receive priority for housing. It is not possible to know at this time whether the COVID-19 pandemic will allow for normal operations in student housing and residential life in Academic Year 2020-2021. Consequently, we cannot guarantee housing priority at this time but we are committed to supporting students if they want to liv e on or near campus.” Interesting that it was sent one week before SIR deadline of May 1.

Hey ya’ll, I just realized today that I forgot to put my grade for a community college photography course I got credit for this past fall. On my UC application, it said IP for the course. I know I can’t edit the additional comment section anymore, but do you think I should worry abt it (will they think “what happened to this course?”) or call admissions and see if they can include it. Btw I applied as a bio major.

Does UCLA only read your application if there is a spot open in your major/department? What are the chances you write a gorgeous LOCI and have amazing grades but don’t even get a read through during the process?

Do you think there will be open spots for the bizecon major?