UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

Letter is there too


why would someone hack it lmao

April 20th makes sense since the submit button disappeared on Tuesday, April 21st. I believe this five-day extension shows that fewer students have paid their deposit. Last year the submit button disappeared on April 16th, which was also a Tuesday, and the first wave came out on April 23rd, the next Tuesday. We might see the first wave this year on April 28th, the next Tuesday.

Yeah, and they wouldn’t go through all that work just to change a date.

@czhang2020 yeah this sounds about right
I was joking about my original comment

I doubt they would change the deadline without notifying us.

Is anyone else’s portal still down?

the portal works fine. try this link https://www.admission.ucla.edu/myapplication/Login.aspx

I’m confused too that they didn’t notify us about the new deadline, but now it indeed shows the deadline is April 20th, and people were able to edit their letter, submit, and receive an email notification before April 21st.

@czhang2020 @WaitlistBoi admissions teams have made worse fumbles, i wouldn’t read into it

@thegreatgatz Huh, the link I have saved doesn’t work anymore I guess. Thanks!

I wouldn’t waste time speculating. Again, this year is different than any other year. They’ll release notifications when they feel ready to. That’s the whole point of the waitlist and unfortunately, this year just feels more anxious for a person being in the waitlist.

^^ Totally agree. Over-analyzing things doesn’t help, i know it’s difficult with all this waiting we’ve had to do. we got this guys

There’s hope! Myself along with my 3 roommates (we live in a suite) were all waitlists! One was out of state and the other two were not.

I was a waitlist and so were 2 of my roommates. One was out of state and myself along with my other roommate were in-state. They’re both bio majors and I’m humanities. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! You got this and good luck. Please send me any questions if you’re curious about ucla, waitlist, etc.

@oofizz - Thanks for sharing!! It’s encouraging! Did you come off the list after 5/1?

@oofizz do you remember if you got an email, and what it said?

does anybody know stats for comp sci majors on the waitlist? pretty nervous here as an in state student

** not stats as in grades and such, but how many people got in for previous years