UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

Wait sorry just to clear some confusion- I was a waitlist LAST YEAR (class of 2023). I got my decision in the middle/towards the end of May. My GPA was above average for UCLA and my SAT was not lol. I had very strong essays, very strong senior year grades, and I submitted another funny/quirky essay when I opted in.

@joy2009 Yes!

@dbrusoccer I got an email that told me there was a change to my application status and I immediately thought it was my rejection letter but I opened the email to check my portal and it said ā€œcongratulationsā€ and I started freaking out LOL


Congratulations !!

If the congrats are for getting off the waitlist last year, ok but I have not seen anyone getting off the waitlist this year. Or maybe I missed something?

Donā€™t worry, itā€™s for last year :slight_smile:

Theyā€™re congratulating them for getting off the waitlist last year! Donā€™t worry no one has gotten any offers yet this year, still waiting

Is anyoneā€™s application portal down? I cant log in, it shows a server errorā€¦ could this be a sign?

@rg081602 the link they sent doesnā€™t work. try the one you get when you look up ucla application status

i think to settle this once and for all, it would be best for the people that said theirs didnā€™t work google ā€œucla application portalā€ and report results. it might be a sign (mine works fine) but likely isnā€™t and people seem to be getting mega stressed about it

hmmm now it seems like even the link they sent is workingā€¦ still not working for anyone?

The link they sent does not work for me. I either get a service error or blank screen. When I look up the application portal, it works.

The link doesnā€™t work for me either, it goes right to a blank screen

The link works for meā€¦ is that a bad sign?!

The link works fine for me too, it just shows the same thing as when i search up the application portal

What link is everybody talking about? The one from the confirmation email from UCLA Undergraduate Admissions?

Guys I would not focus too much on whether a certain link works for you or not. As long as you have access to a functioning applicant portal through google you should be good! I highly doubt that being able to log into the portal or not will allow us to predict our decision :open_mouth:

I agreeā€¦ the link they sent works on my phone but not on my laptopā€¦ thereā€™s no way that it could be indicative of our decisions.
