UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

Check these groups as well:
3.4K UCLA Class of 2023 - Official Group
7.3K UCLA Class of 2023

You may compare it with your findings @WaitlistBoi

there’s also people who join the FB groups and they are trolls. I wouldn’t rely on the FB group stats

idk why it starred my word but i meant to say they are people who didn’t really get into the school

 really? one of your friends was IN STATE like California and he got accepted BEFORE May 1? I thought that wasnt possible haha. I thought it was always out of state and internationals before may 1 and then out of states after may 1? Man, I hope out of states and internationals and even in states come out during this week. I mean this friday is May 1.

previous post is for @kook2323

Did anyone look at this link thing as a potential sign? I saw it on Reddit last night – I can’t log in through the original link (blank screen) and my other two waitlisted friends can’t either but one of my friends can. We’re in NorCal wondering if this means anything?

@chanimalnam yup! he said he got accepted towards the end of April so and he’s in state! However he had committed to Purdue by the time he found out about UCLA

@chanimalnam and yes, he’s in state

@brusselsprout123 yes! the original link that I got when my application had been received does not work. however if you search up on google “ucla applicant portal”, and login, it works.

Multiple people have been asking the SAME question. Please stop asking this question as it has already been discussed earlier in the thread. Thank you!

I think CC/Reddit are a very small pool of applicants probably why we only saw OOS getting in before May 1. I noticed this same trend with UCI Waitlist 2023 – only some OOS posted getting in on May 1 and no in-state but I personally knew three in-staters who got in on May 1. Everyone on CC assumed it was only an OOS wave since those are the only people who reported.

Don’t bother, this has nothing to do with being accepted/rejected. In fact, the link kept working on my cellphone but stopped working on my PC.

So historically, the first IS wave was May 1 right? Does anyone know how the waves are spaced out? If I don’t hear back from May 1, should I expect to hear back May 8 (a week later) or something?

Agh, I’m such a simp for UCLA. I just need to know if I should drop the big bucks on a hoodie for my SIR school XD

@seylin4 I think so but not very sure. I am pretty sure it may come out earlier because a lot of people may also take a gap year due to not being able to afford due to COVID and unemployment

@seylin4 Here are the release dates from last year. There’s some more info on this earlier in the thread :slight_smile: This may help to see how spaced out they’ll be for us this year

What schools did you guys SIR to?

I’m on the waitlist right now and obviously my dream would be to be admitted, but if I’m not, and I’m taken off the waitlist but not admitted, will UCLA let me know that I’m not getting in? I don’t want to be left in the dark. Will there be an official letter or email letting students know that they’re not taking any more applicants off of the waitlist anymore?

@askaquestion: Yes, all schools will notify waitlisted students with a decision one way or another. Either they will accept/deny or just close the waitlist= denial.

thanks @kook2323 and @lovestay345! :slight_smile:

@lovestay345 . . . My last post in which I was trying to approximate when they would be taking off of WLs was my post #227 on page 12 of this thread:

StillLotsToLearn . . . much appreciated. They closed down the thread after mid-June, 2019 and unpinned it from the board.

Here’s the link to that thread, “UCLA 2023 Waitlist”:


It’s only about 21 pages:

1st Wave: OOS students on 04/23/2019, pgs. 2-3
2nd Wave: OOS students on 04/30/2019, pgs. 5-6
3rd Wave: OOS & In-State students, 05/01/2019 pg. 8, Some Engineering, L&S
4 - 1,000 Wave: Mostly In-state students, 05/03, 05/08, 05/09, 05/10
05/25, 06/04,

It’s an interesting thread, last ones accepted seemed to be 06/04 with a 06/08 date to accept. The typical time to accept beyond May 1st seemed to be about 4-5 days.

Regret letters were sent out in various days in June.

If you want to go to a specific page, without tabbing through, you can change the number in the address right before “.html” to “pxx” where the xx is the page number.

StillLotstoLearn informed me of the existence of a 2023 WL thread. I was being facetious about 4-1,000 wave, because, Still informed me that there were many more than three waves from my earlier post from which you c&p’ed.

It seemed more like a pretty common in at times was almost a daily occurrence early in May that some would be accepted, mainly in-state students. They probably did it by major because sending a steady-stream of acceptances would seemingly interfere with filling the freshman class to the precise quantity. And the last one(s) seemed to be in June.

Sorry for the confusion, also, for possibly getting hopes up that there would be a 04/21 acceptance off of the WL this year. But I never tried to predict a day for this year’s; I was just pointing out last year’s dates and the day of the week they occurred.

The University has to awaken to those who really want to attend and be sensitive to them. All the best

i just realized that it doesn’t matter what you type in for “city of birth” as long as you type in at least 2 characters