UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

@AniAni and @kook2323 i got off the UCSB waitlist not ucla no one has head back from la that I know of. I am in state. I just mentioned my UCSB waitlist acceptance to indicate that maybe ucla will start sending out acceptances soon:) best of luck to everyone

Just got admitted of the waitlist!!! So happy i’m shaking. OOS and my major is pre- global studies

Congrats, in state nothing yet

Just admitted off the waitlist! I am OOS!

Admitted off waitlist!! OOS

Did you get an email??

did you get an email?

Yes, an email was sent that a “decision has been made regarding your application to UCLA”

Congrats to everyone admitted today!! I did receive an email telling me to check my status, and we have until May 3rd to decide! Surprised they gave us a few extra days.

Do we think they will do it all day or just one time? Did you guys both receive the email at the same time?

Dang I’m struggling on waitlists

What school/majors are you guys?

ayo just got in :slight_smile:

oos econ

This is probably the big oos wave! smile:, congrats everyone!

@user_459744 Congrats! I applied econ too…what were your stats??

Also just got in!!!

I’m also OOS and my major is is Business-Econ.

It seems like they’re admitting a lot of OOS if not all. Good luck to everyone!

definitely not all lol

Admitted oos pre-biopsych!

Yes, this is the oos wave and we predicted that a lot of oos students will get in generally!

I haven’t gotten anything…is there any chance that they might admit them throughout the day?