UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

Hi y’all!! I GOT IN!!! I got the email around 10:30 AM, but it never came through on my phone, so I ended up just searching it in my inbox and it came up!! I am OOS and an English major(hoping to get into the Communications major in my sophomore year).

I’m so sorry to anyone who wasn’t admitted today, just hold out hope that you’ll get an answer asap!!

@ryebread01 You go in as undeclared and declare your major later so you can get into the Communications major, as long as it’s still L&S, straight away after your first quarter! Congrats, again!

^ Fact-checking myself right now, and I might be wrong lol. I would just check in with a counselor though.

I got in this morning! OOS, L&S Business Econ. 4.3 weighted GPA/3.6 unweighted, 1440 SAT, 32 ACT, 9 APs

For those of you who have gotten off the waitlist, do you know if we can accept the offer of admission and SIR to UCLA or do we have to first confirm our decommitment from a school we may have SIR’ed to already? Just wondering because I contacted UCSB about decommitting but their office of admissions is email only now and I do not know when they will respond.

@washington888 you have to let UCSB know that you are decommitting there. You can also try calling or emailing UCLA admissions office and tell them your situation. I am sure it will all work out

Straight from UC:
“The SIR deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable. If a student accepts a UC offer of admission and is then offered admission from a waitlist to another UC campus, he/she will lose the first deposit and must pay another deposit to accept the waitlist admission offer from the second UC campus. Students and families should consider this when opting to be placed on the waitlist for another UC campus.”
@washington888 I don’t think it’ll matter but definitely get that UCLA SIR done ASAP.

@kook2323 what makes you think there will be an OOS wave 3-5 PM PST?

@waitlistking2020 but now UC temporarily changed their admissions policy due to COVID.

from their website (https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/response-covid-19.html)

“Will UC extend the deadline for accepting admissions offers?”

"The deadline to accept an offer of admission, known as the Statement of Intent to Register, remains May 1 for freshman and June 1 for transfers. Students who need additional time, or who need a deferment of a deposit, should contact their campus admissions office directly. Requests will be considered individually by each campus providing maximum flexibility to students needing extensions, and individual campuses have the authority to extend the deadline for accepting admission offers beyond May 1 or June 1. If a campus has extended its admissions deadline, they will notify admitted students directly.

To inquire about receiving an extension, contact your admissions office or use the messaging tool provided within the admitted students’ portal."

@bartsimpson4 because someone yesterday said in this thread that UCLA tends to release decisions around 3/4 PM PST so I am guessing there will be another OOS wave around 3-5 PM. Once again, I can’t be too sure because I am in state applicant

@kook2323 That’s for regular admissions, though. Waitlist offers have different dates specified within their offer of admission.

@waitlistking2020 as far as I know from my research, you can be in any major and then you can just apply for the Communications major as a sophomore.

@waitlistking2020 I am not entirely sure but I think it’s best to contact UCLA admissions office and tell them that you already committed to UCSB but you got off the waitlist and would like to commit to UCLA. I am sure they should respond within the next 2 days

My S In state committed to UCB .if he got off the waitlist he would like to commit to UCLA…because close to home.

Hi!! I got off the waitlist this morning and I received an email prior to checking. Here are my stats:

L&S Biology
SAT: 1420
I’m not sure what my unweighted and weighted GPAs would be for the UC system but I took 19 AP classes from freshman through senior year.

In my additional information section, I just included my fall semester grades, my in-progress classes for the spring, that I have continued the activities/extracurriculars mentioned on my application, the new activities I have been involved with since applying, and why I would want to go to UCLA.

I wish everyone luck who still hasn’t received an update yet! I was super scared but it is definitely possible :slight_smile: We all have made it this far!

P.S. This entire discussion has kept me sane reading through everyone’s replies.

Also, I was wondering if waitlisted admits will still be getting an acceptance letter/packet in the mail. Thought it would be a nice thing to have!

Don’t think there’ll be any more waves today :((

Do you think that there will be another wave for oos/intl before May 1?

I really hope that there is an IS wave before may 1st, but Im not sure if thats possible. I really wanna hear back this week but if not next week since itll be after may 1st. But typically there are more waves after May 1. I really hope an IS wave comes out before may 1, maybe even on April 30? Not sure.

Did anybody who got in today receive numbers for Financial Aid?