UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

Considering the first wave of OOS have a few days to commit, and now UCLA can’t guarantee housing, I bet 1/4-1/3 of these students decline, and they go to wave 2. Also, May 1 will come and the college will get real numbers.

Given the recent news stories about how huge the losses all colleges are facing as a result of the Covid-19 impact, it is reasonable to assume the UC schools are going to try and make up some of the loss by admitting more OOS students from the Waitlist. Those of us in-state can gripe all we want, but it will fall on deaf ears in this environment. These schools need to make up for the loss as much as they can and it sure is not coming from the state budget that has been devastated as well.

There also is a lot of speculation that upwards of 20% of incoming Freshman will just take a gap year rather to pay full tuition for what in California will be just online classes in the Fall and possibly the Spring as well. So for those still waiting and hoping, there may be more cleared from the waitlist as schools are desparate to collect as much tuition money as they can.

When/does anyone expect another large OOS wave

I do hope the next wave for oos is before may 1st

@StudyEcon I understand your idea but once again, not everyone is in the same economic situation. I’ve also been noticing that a LOT of OOS students are committing to schools in their own state rather than anywhere outside of state.

I really hope that there is another wave for internationals. It seems that the rest of the waves will be OOS and IS with a few scattered internationals from last year’s trend. (I may be wrong, and hopefully I am wrong)

@StudyEcon it makes sense that ucla would admit more oos/intnl students this year off the waitlist compared to previous years due to covid19 and people deciding not to attend, but they probably still have certain percentages they need to maintain. since ucla is a public school in california, they need to reserve a certain amount of spots for in state students. so my guess is that the amount of oos/intnl students who get admitted of the wl depends on the amount of oos/intnl that commit, and in-state wl admits depend on how many in-state people commit. that’s why they probably have different waves because they don’t affect eachother.

I think the next wave is supposed to be IS but not sure

UCLA costs 67k a year for OOS students though…

UCLA can’t guarantee housing? for those are waitlist or all freshmen due to the COVID19 situation?

I do hope the next wave is IS

@west2east20 Where did you hear that UCLA can no longer guarantee housing?

@jeenn123 for all freshman regardless of whether they were admitted off of waitlist or outright accepted

my brother currently attends ucla and said they might have to cancel housing plans for current students, but it is not definite yet. so i’m pretty sure if they cancel housing, it would apply for everybody.

Housing will not be an issue!

In Daily Bruin, article mentioned an email sent out that said no guarenteed housing for freshman and no tuition break if only online Fall quarter. Same email is being sent out by all UC campuses. Strange it is sent this week. Probably didn’t send out earlier because didn’t want to scare off OOS/INTL students.

Does anyone who’s been tracking past years’ decision dates think there might be IS waitlist acceptances tomorrow? I’m trying to decide if I should wait until the last minute to submit my payment to another school or just do it tonight.

I am in state 2. I do not think they will release tomorrow based on past years so probably going to commit to sd tn. But WHO KNOWS!

My D applied for housing before officially accepting. We put down the $30 non refundable housing fee on April 9 and she completed all the housing info. Today she declined acceptance and then went to the housing portal to inform them, expecting to lose the $30 fee, but instead, they are refunding it up till May 15 because of their update that they can’t guarantee housing. It’s because they mostly have triples, and some doubles, and because of Covid, they may not want so many kids per dorm room. It strongly influenced her decision to go in state (WA).

@keychain @Shdjdgd My d’s other deposit including housing is almost $800. You’d better believe we’re waiting until the last minute. :slight_smile:

Do you have a compelling reason to deposit now? Most housing systems are lottery-based, and you still have two days.