UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

@firmament2x that is very interesting information. It is mind-boggling if UCLA is already going to their waitlist. I’d be curious about any follow up on this.
If this is the case, then
1)UCLA recognizes very early that the OOS admitted students are flat out not accepting at all, and UCLA is in panic mode about securing OOS full tuitions, or
2)She has some kind of unique circumstance, and was admitted now because she satisfied a contingency that UCLA placed on her individual case.

@scrambro . . . I don’t think there’s a dearth of OOS students who will be attending UCLA in 2020, again, according to social media. But the yields for OOS students is the lowest among the three geographic cohorts (CA, OOS, Int’l) at only ~25%, whereas for the other two, CA & International, it was 53% and 35%, respectively.

Maybe it was a special case, or she just changed her mind, because it does again, contradict what the University has put out. But I thought last year they did have a couple of waves of admits off of the WL, one early, one late.

Some schools like SLO have already started accepting kids off the waitlist, even in engineering. It seems mostly oos but I think a few in state as well. UChicago has already started taking kids off as well, which seems highly unusual.

UCLA may target their oos waitlist if their oos numbers are coming in low, same with international, but I’m not convinced that automatically opens more spots for CA kids. UCLA may have many more in-state kids commit than predicted due to the pandemic. I hope I’m wrong as my in-state D is anxiously waiting as well.

Hope everyone waiting gets good news soon.

@firmament2x Where are you getting these yields? Are those specific numbers for this year or is it just the general consensus for every year?

@waitlistking2020 . . . here’s the link for 2019 admits:


per 1st matrix.

@dbrusoccer @scrambro @firmament2x Re May 1, here’s the exact wording from the waitlist FAQ (emphasis mine): “Since offers to waitlisted students are based entirely on the response from our initial admission offers, it is LIKELY that we MAY NOT be able to notify you of an admissions decision until after May 1st. We notify students as early as possible after May 1st, and we will update students throughout the summer.” That certainly leaves some wiggle room for early acceptances. But scrambro might be right that this early it might be for very specific reasons.

@WhimsicalSquid @dbrusoccer @scrambro @firmament2x Isn’t it weird though that they’re notifying people that they’ve been taken off the waitlist this early? I mean the due date for the waitlist hasn’t even passed.

Also (side note that’s kinda irrelevant) I really like the community around here talking about the waitlist. Hope we get admitted because you guys seem pretty cool.

@waitlistking2020 I love your enthusiasm. I’m just being nosy over here from the Cal WL board. @dbrusoccer @WhimsicalSquid , I had a look at the social media post that @firmament2x graciously shared with me. The exact wording is this (somewhat edited for the student’s privacy): “I’m from [XXXX], New York! I plan on majoring in [XXXX]! I am currently committed to another college but I plan on switching soon”

So my interpretation of this is that the student committed to another school earlier in March, then was accepted to UCLA on March 20th. They still haven’t withdrawn their SIR at the other school yet, but plan to and then enroll at UCLA. I don’t believe this student was on WL. I may be wrong but this is the way I see it.

The thing is that last year 2019, 13,700 students are given an offer of admissions but only 5,900 students got to attend like they committed for sure. However this year, only 6,300 students were offered an admission and so I believe that many people will be offered admission off the waitlist. Also, as I was watching college decisions 2020, many people got into ivies and they will choose that over UCLA. Also many students cant come to LA because of the coronavirus pandemic as well as the fact that it is unsafe to travel rn. So I personally hope that more in state residents get off the waitlist but I wish the best for all.

I really do hope that many students get off the waitlist and get to attend UCLA. We’ve come so far and for us to be waitlisted means we have one last final shot. So make it count and we got this. I believe in us.

Where did you get the admission numbers for this year?

@chanimalnam @janu2481: 6300 is the target number of students that UCLA wants to enroll. They admit more students than the 6300 since not all will end up enrolling. If the acceptance rate is similar as last year at 12.4%, then they accepted around 13,300+ students from the 108,000+ applicants for these 6300 spots.

@Gumbymom yeah that’s what I was thinking.
Also, as an international student, will my chances of getting accepted be lower than usual cause they think I won’t attend?

@firmament2x is there any way for you to confirm if she was accepted from the waitlist or rd?

@janu2481: Your chances off the waitlist will depend upon if UCLA will meet their International enrollment goals. No UC breaks out their waitlist stats by residency, so there is no way to know how many waitlisted students were in-state, OOS and International. All you can do at this point is get excited about your other options and hope for the best.

@Gumbymom alright then. Thanks!

The waiting is so frustrating. It feels like I can’t get excited about the school where I’ll put my deposit down for because I’m still waiting on three waitlist responses (UCLA NYU and Cal)

Sorry for the confusion to all. I’m not in anyway personally involved in admissions, and I just thought I would pass along what i thought could have been an admit off the WL, but as @scrambro stated, it was more than likely not the case. Today’s a special day for all the people I know, so that’s why I was unable to answer earlier. I hope all you get the decisions for which you’re looking in the colleges you seek for yourself or family members. It has to be excruciating.

@Gumbymom so youre saying that around 13,300 students probably were given an offer of admissions; yet, UCLA wants the freshman class this year to be around 6300 students right?

In your opinion, based on this current situation and everything that is going around, around how many students do you expect to get off the waitlist this year?
I just wanted to hear your opinion because i really really want to get accepted?
Also, are waitlist offers rolling and so is it possible that many of us can hear back before May 1? Because I feel like the admissions people start reviewing and everything after april 15 even if there might not be any space? Is it also possible that UCLA will accept seats more than 6300 students meaning they’ll go over their seat limit. 6300 is just an estimate correct?

@chanimalnam: I cannot give you any idea of how many students will be admitted off the waitlist. This situation makes it impossible to predict, plus UCLA has not posted how many students have been waitlisted, how many are in-state and how many are OOS and International. I would imagine many in-state students that would have considered going OOS might prefer to stay in-state which could impact the waitlist along with many OOS/International students considering staying closer to home also.

6300 is the target and they will try to reach that target by going to the waitlist to fill in any gap. Schools usually have a good handle on their yield by May 1 so I would say unless they are greatly under enrolled before May 1, you should not expect to hear until then.

Man, this whole coronavirus thing is making everything unpredictable. I like relying on data and numbers but now I think everyone’s feeling anxious (probably even the admissions office) because the virus just threw everything off.