UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion

hi everyone!!! I’m on the waitlist at UCLA as well, but I understand engineering is extremely unlikely, so I’m doing CE at UCSD and if LA decides to admit me (which they won’t), I will attend there… (applied EE at UCLA)

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Last year a wave of OSS was announced about one week before SIR deadline of May 1. On May 2, the day after SIR deadline, UCLA did a wave of IS admits off the waitlist.


Yes. I figured that would have happened already… kind of concerning

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Has anyone been admitted off the waitlist this year yet?

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yes in state engineering

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yeah that is kinda concerning

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I would expect a OOS and international wave of WL admissions tomorrow morning. Last year it was on the last Tuesday of April. Good luck everyone.

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it is to me as well

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Does anyone what time they released OOS waitlist last year?

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I think it was just before 8AM Pacific time.

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did anyone get an email? i heard that decisions might come today possibly


No I didn’t get an email. Does the decision come out for international students also?

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I heard some waitlist decisions in the past have come out on April 28th.

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apparently the past 2 years it came on the last Tuesday of april. either it did not come or we did not get in the first wave.

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looks like it aint coming today :frowning:

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in 2019 I think they came out in about 30 minutes from now so there is still some hope

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yea possibly

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anyone hear anything?

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Do I, an international student requiring no financial aid, have a good chance of being admitted off of UCLA’s waiting list? (Chemical Engineering major)

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