UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion

for berkeley it said they focus primarily on your original application

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they can it is still early

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The AO said that once you’re waitlisted you’re placed into a pool of people considered to be of equal caliber to you. Writing to them definitely helps but in most cases of people I’ve seen get accepted they write a letter. Also I assume they still look at your stats

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idk why I have a feeling some are going to come out today


yeah same I feel like some could be too


I saw on youtube where like people are emailing their local school representatives. Is that really a good idea or will that make them annoyed.

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I actually heard this was a bad idea

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yeah they said don’t do that lol

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why lol. some of y’all are so afraid for nothing. on youtube, this girl said that she emailed her local school representative when results are gonna come out and she replied with “idk yet but best of luck that you get off!”


it will just make them mad

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There are definitely people who got in without writing anything one of my friends did last year and declined the spot


oh well that’s just what my counselor said. tbh they r not even the ones re-evaluating us so go for it

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It’s sort of like tampering. But I saw like 2 applicants who actually got in on Youtube after they did that. But then again causation does not equal correlation.


I dont think they’ll reject anyone who emails their admissions counselor solely emailing them lol


I heard the rep is the first one to read your essay and are the ones who know you best. They are the ones who vouch for you. But then again its really unfair to favor someone because they emailed.

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Reading last years form, some people got in around 9/9:15 PST


Yea I emailed my local rep and he was rly nice and gave me more specific info ab being on the waitlist


okay do we atleast think there is a lower chance this year bc at this point i just want to buy my current school’s merch and move on :slight_smile:


time to zone out from my zoom classes to continuously update the ucla portal :slightly_smiling_face:


lol i heard they dont care and it does not guarantee or even influence towards a positive outcome, instead it can agitate them and hence, result in a negative outcome. So it is safer not to do anything they do not suggest