UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion

I’ll try. … It was 3 days ago when I was desperately looking! I think it was on ivy coach or something. I know I came to a half with the research on that site because they wanted to charge to coach me!

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College Kickstart has stats for multiple years. It’s traditionally about 10%.

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10% was the admit yield rate, i.e. 10% of those who were offered a spot of waitlist enrolled. and those numbers on Kickstart look finicky, they have the exact same numbers for UCSB and UCLA. If you go by published numbers UCLA offered 50% of students from waitlist, which is hard to believe.
As mentioned above 2019 waitlist numbers were 13% and 2020 19%. This year it’s anybody’s guess. A lot of kids applied to lot of schools because of T/O or test blind policy. A lot of top schools will end up offering to the same kids so come May 1st they will be looking at the waitlist once students accept college of choice out of many. Colleges with mid-level yields (40-60%) will be looking at waitlist. They will likely pick more kids of waitlist but they may also have placed more kids on waitlist to protect their admit yield. So in in terms of percent it may not matter, but likely more kids will be offered admission of waitlist in terms of absolute numbers. There are too many variables at play. Stay hopeful!


I got waitlisted as an in-state student, and just found out that the majority of the waitlist admits end up being out-of-state students due to the yield rate. Does anyone know, or have an educated guess, as to what percent of the students admitted off of the waitlist is in-state, and what percent is out-of-state? Do you think covid will have an effect on past trends? I need to know whether I should get my hopes up or not…

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I think this article explains the waitlist process very well and reinforces the advice I have been posting all along.


Admits seem to be OOS and College of Letters and Science. I just went through last years waitlist on CC. Very few engineering majors taken off waitlist. My D second choice is Chemistry, will admissions consider your alternative major? Should she contact them?


I asked them, they do not consider you for your alternate major once you are waitlisted.


Please read the article posted #45 The Waitlist. Why? It should help clarify any questions about waitlists.

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I did read, did it cover alternative majors? If yes, I missed it.

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Engineering is tough

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No, it was not specific for UCLA and UCLA does address Alternate majors on their website for prospective applicants.

“The UC application allows you to choose an alternate major, but we only guarantee the review of first-choice majors.”

“Hindsight, Foresight without a future”. Unfortunately a hard lesson to learn. I am sure if she is waitlisted that she is a well qualified applicant and has other good options.




I’ve heard people got their offers off the waitlist in late April. Is that true?

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i’ve seen that most people get it early/mid march

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Wait I think you’re talking about when people are getting their decisions right. I’m saying when do people get off the waitlist because decisions aren’t even out until mid/late march.

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oops! i meant may! my bad- however i did see one circumstance of a girl getting admitted off the waitlist around the last week of april. sorry for the mixup!!


Previous years some OOS waitlist applicants got off in late April. In-state decisions usually start at the beginning of May: last year I believe the first wave was on May 1.



At least going to Cal, UCLA will not accept the wl, feels like a dream, was writing the appeal yesterday


Congrats on getting into Cal!!

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