UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion

thanks so much!!!

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I also got waitlisted OOS psychology. :frowning:

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I got waitlisted at UCLA and into Berkeley as a oos student in the college of L&S. Do you think I could have a good shot at getting off the waitlist at UCLA?

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Here are the 2019 data:

opt ins: 7153

admitted: 965

2020 data:

waitlisted: 14470

opt ins: 9254

admitted: 1779

2020 data shows definitely more admits with a 19% acceptance rate vs. 13% acceptance rate for 2019. Still not great odds.

Since the # of waitlisted students has not been publicized there is no way to know what chance any student has at this point.


My S got into Berkeley (L&S) but got waitlisted at UCLA (Engineering). How much chance is it to get off the waitlist for the applicants in Engineering majors? Thanks!

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His chosen major is Electrical Engineering btw.

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I apologize if this question has already been asked - I searched, but didnā€™t find an answer to my specific question. My D was accepted at UCSD and joined the waitlists at UCLA, UCD, and UCSC. This has been such a crazy college admissions year that we are feeling like we need to accept the offer at UCSD and put down the money right now to secure that spot to lock it in. That said, my D is still interested in seeing if she is ultimately offered a spot at UCLA, UCD, or UCSC and would consider attending any of them. My question is, if we accept and pay at UCSD now, will the admissions offices at the other three UCs where she is waitlisted know that we did that and then either drop her from the waitlists completely or put her lower in the list and less likely to receive an acceptance? I donā€™t want to go all ā€œconspiracy theory,ā€ but this is a concern!

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No, it is expected that student on a waitlist or multiple waitlists will accept an offer at another school. She will not be penalized for being on the other schoolā€™s waitlist. If she is admitted off the waitlists and decides to attend another school, then she will forfeit the UCSD enrollment fee.

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@Gumbymom, thank you! You are my CC hero! We went through the college process two years ago with my S and now this year with my D. We are a So Cal family and both kids applied to multiple Cal State and UC campuses. I have been reading your informative, thoughtful, and excellent comments for over two years. You have helped us out more than you know. If CC does not pay you, they should. I love your no-nonsense, straightforward advice to parents (check the Net Price Calculators before applying to a public school in another state!) and your kind, supportive words to students. When my husband and I both applied to college many moons ago, we had no support at all from our parents. We wish there had been a CC and a @Gumbymom for us back then! You are really, really helping and supporting the kids that are here on CC, especially the ones that are trying to navigate through this messy process alone. The most important advice is that ā€œwhere you go is not who you areā€ and that you will get out of college what you put in. I know you always stress those thoughts. My S is thrilled at SDSU and my daughter will likely attend UCSD which is a great fit for her. Thank you so much for being a friend to us parents and a fairy godmother to all the applicants out there!



Thank you for the kind comments. When I applied to college, I also did not have the support from my parents but it was definitely different then. I attended Cal Poly Pomona and to get accepted back in those days was a minimum 3.0 GPA unweighted (no AP/IB or Honors class back then) or higher and the SAT scores were not even considered. Below a 3.0 and the SAT took on more significance.

I have learned a lot these past 8 years and always found the College Confidential community welcoming and with great information. I am glad I can pay if forward to all students and families trying to navigate this crazy college admission process. Best of luck to your D and S.


@Gumbymom, you are truly amazing!

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If I remember correctly EE is not one of the majors that will eventually accept people off the waitlist. There are a few CS majors in years past and a couple undeclared engineering majors that I know of.


Thanks so much for your reply, 10s4life. Does it mean that although my son got waitlisted, he wonā€™t be considered to get off from the waitlist (technically a reject)? Or, could he possibly request to be considered a spot in college of engineering or in L&S in his waitlist form?

Since he doesnā€™t know what exactly he wants to be (thinking of engineering, law, or finance fields) and he thought he could always switch from college of engineering to L&S easily but not other way around, he chose a major of the college of engineering on his applicationā€¦

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He is only under consideration for EE. It is always a risk applying for engineering at any top school. Students that would have otherwise gotten into L&S often find different results in engineering. They donā€™t let you switch mid admission cycle. There is always a chance he gets in but I would focus on his existing options.


My son is WL for EE also. Why would t hey accept a few for CS but not EE? My understanding was that CS is much more competitive than EE at nearly all schoolsā€¦ this is disheartening to say the least.šŸ„²

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Mainly because CS will have a slightly lower yield rate. And by accept I mean maybe 1-2 may get off for CS . Likely zero.


Wow. Ok. Adjusting my expectations downward. Looking like UCSD. Thanks for the insight!

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I had no idea. My S worked super hard to go to his dream school, UCLA. Took 12 APs (plus a few honor courses) and made all solid As throughout high school yrs (UC capped 4.35 and UC weighted 4.7). Received international stem awards, took university course, was a captain of HS sport team (D3 recruited) and many other. Good essay and SAT. I canā€™t tell him what I learned here since he thinks that he is WL and has a light of hopešŸ„²

I just wished that there wasnā€™t a section of ā€œAlternate Majorā€ like UC Berkeley if UCLA only considers 1st choice of majorā€¦ A big learning lesson for my younger one.

No worries. UCSD EE is a great program and hard to get into. Congrats to your son!

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